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Introduction: This is a tiktok hashtag called Just A Lil Bit.
The music has now attracted more than
387.7K videos and
59.1B views. It is a very
popular content. The following is videos that related to this music.
Just A Lil Bit
Top 50 Hot Videos (Just A Lil Bit)
Come sit on my face you perfect angel #dessert #juicytushie #foryou Taste 9/10 Visuals 7.5/10 Sticky Toffee Pudding Serves: 4-6 Difficulty “You’ll manage pumpkin!” Sponge: - 338g pitted dates - 7g baking powder - 3g bicarbonate of soda - 25g dark brown sugar - 88g unsalted butter, melted - 3 eggs - 325g plain flour Sauce: - 100g butter - 125g soft light brown sugar - 50g dark brown sugar - 125g double cream Sponge: 1. Place the dates in a pot, add boiling water, and let them become soft before blending quickly 2. Whisk together the eggs and sugar. Add the melted butter and mix well 3. Add the dry ingredients (plain flour, baking powder, bicarbonate soda) and stir in the date puree. Mix until well combined 4. Pour the mixture into a lined baking tray and bake at 170°C/338°F for approximately 45-50 minutes. Sauce: 1. Combine all the sauce ingredients (butter, soft light brown sugar, dark brown sugar, double cream) in a saucepan. Bring to a simmer over medium low heat 2. Once all the ingredients are well combined, remove them from the heat and keep them warm. To serve: 1. Serve each portion of the sticky toffee pudding with cream and a scoop of vanilla ice cream 2. Drizzle the warm sauce generously over the pudding before serving.
Cedrik Lorenzen
1 years ago
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Come sit on my face you perfect angel #dessert #juicytushie #foryou Taste 9/10 Visuals 7.5/10 Sticky Toffee Pudding Serves: 4-6 Difficulty “You’ll manage pumpkin!” Sponge: - 338g pitted dates - 7g baking powder - 3g bicarbonate of soda - 25g dark brown sugar - 88g unsalted butter, melted - 3 eggs - 325g plain flour Sauce: - 100g butter - 125g soft light brown sugar - 50g dark brown sugar - 125g double cream Sponge: 1. Place the dates in a pot, add boiling water, and let them become soft before blending quickly 2. Whisk together the eggs and sugar. Add the melted butter and mix well 3. Add the dry ingredients (plain flour, baking powder, bicarbonate soda) and stir in the date puree. Mix until well combined 4. Pour the mixture into a lined baking tray and bake at 170°C/338°F for approximately 45-50 minutes. Sauce: 1. Combine all the sauce ingredients (butter, soft light brown sugar, dark brown sugar, double cream) in a saucepan. Bring to a simmer over medium low heat 2. Once all the ingredients are well combined, remove them from the heat and keep them warm. To serve: 1. Serve each portion of the sticky toffee pudding with cream and a scoop of vanilla ice cream 2. Drizzle the warm sauce generously over the pudding before serving.
Cedrik Lorenzen
1 years ago
Porridge "di recupero" 🍏🍫 IG @silenepretto Non è niente di nuovo ma vi lascio comunque l'idea (sempre utile per chi ha poco tempo e tanta fame 😍) - 1 mela tagliata a pezzetti piccoli (ho lasciato fuori uno spicchio per la decorazione) - 40g fiocchi di avena al cioccolato @Pharmapower (o 35g fiocchi neutri + 5g cacao amaro + dolcificante a piacere) - 120ml latte/bevanda vegetale (io di cocco senza zuccheri) o anche acqua se volete Mettete la mela a pezzetti 2 minuti nel microonde* alla massima potenza Nel frattempo in una ciotola mescolate l'avena + latte ( + eventualmente il cacao e il dolcificante) e aggiungeteci i pezzetti di mela caldi (si saranno ammorbiditi). Mescolate il tutto e poi rimettete in microonde per circa 1 minuto e mezzo (o fino a consistenza desiderata) Ricoprite con la solita cremina al cacao: 10g cacao amaro + dolcificante a piacere (es: 5g miele) + acqua quanto basta. Ovviamente gustate con immensa GIOIA e SODDISFAZIONE (potete anche prepararlo la sera prima per il giorno dopo se preferite💜🙏🏽🍫✨) *‼️se non avete il microonde mettete mela a pezzetti + avena + latte tutto insieme in un pentolino e mescolate a fuoco basso fino a consistenza desiderata. Trasferite poi in una ciotola e ricoprite con la cremina al cacao‼️ #colazionedasilene #nutrizionista #porridgerecipes #easyporridge #applechocolate
Dott.ssa Silene Pretto
1 years ago
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