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Introduction: This is a tiktok hashtag called Somewhere Only We Know.
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396.5K videos and
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Somewhere Only We Know
Top 50 Hot Videos (Somewhere Only We Know)
106 Onondaga Ave, Syracuse, NY . This is one of our Land Bank houses. It needs MAJOR renovation with dangerous water damage to structure. Expect at least $200k in structural repairs before renovating house and $400-500k total reno. MX1 zoning allows commercial use. Buyer to provide itemized renovation specs with proof of funds to complete. $150k bank statement required prior to scheduling showing. Proof of funds needed for combined purchase and renovation costs. #oldhousesoftiktok #oldhouse
1 years ago
Hola, hola! Hoy cambio totalmente de registro y os dejo un truco para la ansiedad. Ansiedad, ataques de pánico y salud mental yo lo sufro y se que cualquier truco es bueno para lidiar con esos momentos donde tu corazón se acelera, esa sensación incomoda de nerviosismo, tensión e incluso pánico entre muchos otros síntomas… Los que lo padecéis sabéis de que estoy hablando y los que no siempre digo que todo el mundo por lo menos una sola vez en la vida tendría que vivirlo para saber lo desagradable que puede llegar a ser y se de la importancia que merece a la salud mental. Esto no está probado científicamente pero cuando nuestra cara entra en contacto con agua fría (menos de 21°C) este reflejo se activa produciendo una cascada de efectos en nuestro organismo. El ritmo cardíaco se ralentiza, los vasos sanguíneos se estrechan y el bazo también se contrae, con lo que la situación de estrés desaparece de manera inconsciente. Espero que os sirva, feliz noche! #ansiedad #estres #ataquesdepánico #panico #saludmental #tips #beautytips #ideas #hogar #casa #consejos #consejossaludables
𝙼𝚊𝚛𝚐𝚊 𝙳𝚒́𝚊𝚣
11 months ago
Sweet Marly is 13 years old and has alopecia. She has lost 70% of her hair on and off since she was five years old. today, we gave her the gift of hair. The gift of confidence. The gift of seeing her self like she never has before. Thank you. Everyone who has donated to our fund that gifts free wigs to children with medical related hair loss. It’s because of you that lives are changing for these young girls. We are so blessed to be able to do what we do! #wigsbytiffani #wigs #wig #alopecia #hairloss #thinninghair #realisticwigs #kidswigs #wigsforkids #wigsforchildren#childrenwithhairloss
1 years ago
@John Lewis @GPlanFurniture Not my usual sort of post but i’m so horrified i had to share. My mum purchased a new sofa from John Lewis recently and this is us recreating the moment it literally nearly killed my 4 month old (he’s the teddy here for reference lol). We spoke to John Lewis to say we are really concerned about how unsafe the sofa is as the two parts disconnect if anyone leans forward. They’re telling us that the design is totally fine and that anyone sitting on the sofa should read the manual before doing so 🤯 We don’t want a refund, we just want to make sure John Lewis do the responsible thing before someone gets seriously hurt. It really is only a matter of time since apparently this is ‘normal’ so people are still buying this sofa not knowing this happens.
lotteboo | ⌖︎ travel insights
10 months ago
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106 Onondaga Ave, Syracuse, NY . This is one of our Land Bank houses. It needs MAJOR renovation with dangerous water damage to structure. Expect at least $200k in structural repairs before renovating house and $400-500k total reno. MX1 zoning allows commercial use. Buyer to provide itemized renovation specs with proof of funds to complete. $150k bank statement required prior to scheduling showing. Proof of funds needed for combined purchase and renovation costs. #oldhousesoftiktok #oldhouse
1 years ago
Hola, hola! Hoy cambio totalmente de registro y os dejo un truco para la ansiedad. Ansiedad, ataques de pánico y salud mental yo lo sufro y se que cualquier truco es bueno para lidiar con esos momentos donde tu corazón se acelera, esa sensación incomoda de nerviosismo, tensión e incluso pánico entre muchos otros síntomas… Los que lo padecéis sabéis de que estoy hablando y los que no siempre digo que todo el mundo por lo menos una sola vez en la vida tendría que vivirlo para saber lo desagradable que puede llegar a ser y se de la importancia que merece a la salud mental. Esto no está probado científicamente pero cuando nuestra cara entra en contacto con agua fría (menos de 21°C) este reflejo se activa produciendo una cascada de efectos en nuestro organismo. El ritmo cardíaco se ralentiza, los vasos sanguíneos se estrechan y el bazo también se contrae, con lo que la situación de estrés desaparece de manera inconsciente. Espero que os sirva, feliz noche! #ansiedad #estres #ataquesdepánico #panico #saludmental #tips #beautytips #ideas #hogar #casa #consejos #consejossaludables
𝙼𝚊𝚛𝚐𝚊 𝙳𝚒́𝚊𝚣
11 months ago
Sweet Marly is 13 years old and has alopecia. She has lost 70% of her hair on and off since she was five years old. today, we gave her the gift of hair. The gift of confidence. The gift of seeing her self like she never has before. Thank you. Everyone who has donated to our fund that gifts free wigs to children with medical related hair loss. It’s because of you that lives are changing for these young girls. We are so blessed to be able to do what we do! #wigsbytiffani #wigs #wig #alopecia #hairloss #thinninghair #realisticwigs #kidswigs #wigsforkids #wigsforchildren#childrenwithhairloss
1 years ago
@John Lewis @GPlanFurniture Not my usual sort of post but i’m so horrified i had to share. My mum purchased a new sofa from John Lewis recently and this is us recreating the moment it literally nearly killed my 4 month old (he’s the teddy here for reference lol). We spoke to John Lewis to say we are really concerned about how unsafe the sofa is as the two parts disconnect if anyone leans forward. They’re telling us that the design is totally fine and that anyone sitting on the sofa should read the manual before doing so 🤯 We don’t want a refund, we just want to make sure John Lewis do the responsible thing before someone gets seriously hurt. It really is only a matter of time since apparently this is ‘normal’ so people are still buying this sofa not knowing this happens.
lotteboo | ⌖︎ travel insights
10 months ago
Một năm vừa rồi bạn đã trải qua những gì? Còn với gia đình tôi thì đã đối mặt với những cung bậc cảm xúc khó tả nhất, những đau khổ và cả những hi vọng và niềm vui. Cuối cùng thì chính sự tích cực là điều quyết định đến những quyết định khó khăn nhất trong cuộc sống. Một cái cúi đầu cảm ơn đến tất cả những tấm lòng đã từng giúp đỡ cả 2 vợ chồng, những lời hỏi thăm động viên của tất cả mọi người. Vc luôn biết ơn và trân trọng điều đó . #TikTokDieuKy #hanhtrinhchuabenhungthu🌼
1 years ago
New Rescue Alert! We were out trying to rescue a different senior cat and came across this old girl. It looks like she has a clubbed foot, broken jaw, and badly matted fur. A resident said that she had never been able to touch her, and she wanted nothing to do with the drop trap, so we opted for using our feral net. Once we got her into the transfer carrier, we saw just how bad her condition truly was 💔 We reached out to our vet and asked if we could bring her in immediately. Our vet said yes, and we rushed her straight over there. We have named her Santa Anita. Santa Anita is currently at the vet and will need a lot of help. Please consider donating towards her treatment and care. Without you, rescues like Santa Anita's wouldn't be possible. Santana, thank you for sending Santa Anita our way. We know it was you looking out.
9 months ago
壊れて帰宅まで大変だったキャリー。直せば問題ないっしょー⭐︎ でも行方不明のカバーはいずこ?旅にはトラブルがつきもの。 これが壊れたタイミングが絶妙で・・・ 最終日ホテルから空港までどうやっていくか 1.タクシーを使う 2.バスを使う の2択だったんだけど、タクシーは高そうで ケチってバスにしたの。 バス停がホテルから15分くらい歩いたところで 暑い中一人1つ+αの荷物を押しながら バス停を目指したワケよ。 バス停まであと200mくらいという時に 突っかかりを感じ、しまいには動かなくなった。 20キロのキャリーを持ち上げながら (7キロ近いリュックも背負って5キロほどのボストンも持ってたよ) どうにかバス停についたの。 なかなか来ないバス・・・暑い日差し。 やっと来たと思ったらみんな抜かして先に乗っていく 私たちが乗った頃には席がありませんでした。 現地の人と一緒に床へ座ったという・・・。 (坂道くねくね道で立ってると結構危なかった涙) 今説明しながら思ったけどまあどうでもいい話やな笑 でも、家に着くまで浮かしつつ持って帰ったのも いい思い出。そういや空港から自宅まで荷物運んでくれる サービスクレカについてたから使えばよかったな・・・。 あ、そうそう。 それで帰ってから購入先(楽天ROOMに載せてるよ)に 問い合わせして部品を500円+送料300円で売ってもらいました! だから新しいの買わなくて済んだよ。 アマゾンには形的に合いそうな車輪はなかったの。 治せてよかった〜っていうお話でした。 ちなみにプーケット空港で荷物受け取る時に カバーとベルトがないんだけど・・・と 空港職員さんに言ったら、ないよ!みたいな感じで 探してももらえなかった悲しき思い出。 しょうがないね涙 お手紙やプレゼント送付先↓ ※食品&金券NG 〒150-0002 東京都渋谷区渋谷2丁目12−19 東建インターナショナルビル 9F 株式会社リアレーション インキュベーション事業部 i am a housewife宛 楽天ROOMや他SNSのリンクは プロフィールリンクから飛んでみてね #生活音asmr #雰囲気 #asmr #暮らしのvlog #生活音 #丁寧な暮らし #asmrsounds #主婦の日常 #スーツケース #キャリー #キャリーケース #修理 #タイ #プーケット @i am a housewife sub ASMR
i am a housewife ASMR
1 years ago
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