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Introduction: This is a tiktok hashtag called 3.
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Top 50 Hot Videos(#3)
3 maneras de preparar PIZZA para celebrar el Día del Niño 👧🏻👶🏽🍕 La Salsa para pizza de @huntsmex te servirá para estas 3 recetas bastante divertidas de preparar. #1 Con tortillas de harina al comal, esta opción es muy accesible y deliciosa. Lleva al comal una tortilla de harina solo por un lado, sobre ese lado tostadito, coloca la salsa para pizza de @huntsmex y distribuye uniformemente, agrega queso asadero y tomate cherry en rebanadas finas, llévalo al comal a fuego medio hasta que el queso gratine y a disfrutar #2 Utiliza pan de pita como base y una freidora de aire. Puedes tostar un poco el pan de pita primero. Agrega salsa para pizza de Hunt’s queso mozzarella fresco en trozos, tocino en cubos y tomate cherry. Llévalo a la freidora de aire a 170 Celsius por 7 minutos y listo Y #3 Pizza a la leña Utiliza un horno de leña (o el horno de la estufa, pero sin leña) masa reposada por 24 horas (harina de trigo con agua, sal y un poco de manteca) Agrega Salsa de tomate para pizza de @huntsmex y queso mozzarella, salami, chorizo español, tomate cherry, tocino y llévala a hornear por 5 a 7 minutos dándole vueltas para que no se queme. ¿Qué versión vas a preparar para celebrar el día del niño? #ComeBien #PatrocinadoPor #PublicidadPagada #OpinionesPersonales #recetas #yumshorts #asimelorecetoeldoctor #diadelniño #pizza #hunts #pizzalover
10 months ago
Carve your Body with Overhand Lat Pulldowns ⚠️ . Here are the 4 Main Form Tips you want to use when performing Overhand Lat Pulldowns. 🔥 The intention is to train your Mid-Back musculature which means your Mid-Traps, Rhomboids, and Teres Major. Form Tip #1: Make sure the Pad is On Top of your Hips and not Over your Knees ⚠️ Form Tip #2: Make sure to NOT grab it super wide, this will decrease force output and shift the emphasis to your lower lats, instead grab 1.5X Shoulder Width to maximize force output. ✅ Form Tip #3: Avoid Keeping your Body completely Upright, instead lean your body slightly back and pull to your Middle Chest. ✅ Form Tip #4: Avoid Keeping your Elbows Tucked into your Body, instead flare your elbows out slightly so you can target your Mid-Back. ✅ Save this for next time you do Lat Pulldowns. ⚠️ Coaching Slots just re-opened. Click the Lincoln Bio: only taking on max 5 slots! 🔥 Keep crushing it saiyans 💪🏽 . #back #backworkout #lats
12 months ago
Carve your Body with Leg Extensions ⚠️ . Here are my top 3 Form Tips you need to know when doing Leg Extensions. Form Tip #1: Make sure to pull the Lever fully back, so this way you can get a full stretch on this exercise which will promote the greatest growth. 🔥 Form Tip #2: Instead of having your hands on your knees and not being so useful, this will decrease stability, so instead actively pull into the handles so you increase stability and generate more force output. ✅ Form Tip #3: As commonly seen on TikTok you see Leg Extensions performed with your body leaned forward, this will shorten the quad more. However the quads grow greatly with stretch-mediated hypertrophy, so make sure to lean your body back against the seat so you can further lengthen the quads. ✅ Save this for next time you do Leg Extensions. 🔥 Coaching Slots open for last 2 spots, DM me “TRANSFORM” on IG. 🔥 . #legs #quads #legextension
12 months ago
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3 maneras de preparar PIZZA para celebrar el Día del Niño 👧🏻👶🏽🍕 La Salsa para pizza de @huntsmex te servirá para estas 3 recetas bastante divertidas de preparar. #1 Con tortillas de harina al comal, esta opción es muy accesible y deliciosa. Lleva al comal una tortilla de harina solo por un lado, sobre ese lado tostadito, coloca la salsa para pizza de @huntsmex y distribuye uniformemente, agrega queso asadero y tomate cherry en rebanadas finas, llévalo al comal a fuego medio hasta que el queso gratine y a disfrutar #2 Utiliza pan de pita como base y una freidora de aire. Puedes tostar un poco el pan de pita primero. Agrega salsa para pizza de Hunt’s queso mozzarella fresco en trozos, tocino en cubos y tomate cherry. Llévalo a la freidora de aire a 170 Celsius por 7 minutos y listo Y #3 Pizza a la leña Utiliza un horno de leña (o el horno de la estufa, pero sin leña) masa reposada por 24 horas (harina de trigo con agua, sal y un poco de manteca) Agrega Salsa de tomate para pizza de @huntsmex y queso mozzarella, salami, chorizo español, tomate cherry, tocino y llévala a hornear por 5 a 7 minutos dándole vueltas para que no se queme. ¿Qué versión vas a preparar para celebrar el día del niño? #ComeBien #PatrocinadoPor #PublicidadPagada #OpinionesPersonales #recetas #yumshorts #asimelorecetoeldoctor #diadelniño #pizza #hunts #pizzalover
10 months ago
Carve your Body with Overhand Lat Pulldowns ⚠️ . Here are the 4 Main Form Tips you want to use when performing Overhand Lat Pulldowns. 🔥 The intention is to train your Mid-Back musculature which means your Mid-Traps, Rhomboids, and Teres Major. Form Tip #1: Make sure the Pad is On Top of your Hips and not Over your Knees ⚠️ Form Tip #2: Make sure to NOT grab it super wide, this will decrease force output and shift the emphasis to your lower lats, instead grab 1.5X Shoulder Width to maximize force output. ✅ Form Tip #3: Avoid Keeping your Body completely Upright, instead lean your body slightly back and pull to your Middle Chest. ✅ Form Tip #4: Avoid Keeping your Elbows Tucked into your Body, instead flare your elbows out slightly so you can target your Mid-Back. ✅ Save this for next time you do Lat Pulldowns. ⚠️ Coaching Slots just re-opened. Click the Lincoln Bio: only taking on max 5 slots! 🔥 Keep crushing it saiyans 💪🏽 . #back #backworkout #lats
12 months ago
Carve your Body with Leg Extensions ⚠️ . Here are my top 3 Form Tips you need to know when doing Leg Extensions. Form Tip #1: Make sure to pull the Lever fully back, so this way you can get a full stretch on this exercise which will promote the greatest growth. 🔥 Form Tip #2: Instead of having your hands on your knees and not being so useful, this will decrease stability, so instead actively pull into the handles so you increase stability and generate more force output. ✅ Form Tip #3: As commonly seen on TikTok you see Leg Extensions performed with your body leaned forward, this will shorten the quad more. However the quads grow greatly with stretch-mediated hypertrophy, so make sure to lean your body back against the seat so you can further lengthen the quads. ✅ Save this for next time you do Leg Extensions. 🔥 Coaching Slots open for last 2 spots, DM me “TRANSFORM” on IG. 🔥 . #legs #quads #legextension
12 months ago
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