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⠀ How I stay consistent with my nutrition ⬇️ ⠀ There is an OVERWHELMING amount of conflicting and missinformation on IG and TikTok regarding nutrition. ⠀ This leads to one of two scenarios: ⠀ 1) Paralysis by analysis - you do nothing 2) Drastic, unsustainable behavior ⠀ You either say f#ck it and keep on doing you, or you dive head first into the latest and greatest diet that's littered with rules, restrictions, and outrageous lifestyle changes. ⠀ Fortunately, there is a way off the fad-diet hamster wheel. ⠀ Step 1 - Focus on the basics ⠀ Drink more water (~1/2 your bodyweight in ounces). ⠀ Eat .8-1.0 grams per pound of bodyweight. ⠀ Eat a veggie and/or fruit at each meal. ⠀ Limit the amount of processed, pre-packaged foods you consume. ⠀ Step 2 - Keep your meals simple ⠀ Instead of following recipes, focus on eating a protein, veggie/fruit, and fat source at each meal ⠀ Eat the same foods for 1-2 weeks ⠀ Step 3 - Stock up on convenient back-up options ⠀ As a Dad of one (soon to be two), I've learned that having convenient back-up options is essential to consistency. ⠀ Protein powder, deli meat, nuts/seed, fruit, GoGo Squeeze pouches, etc. ⠀ Anything that you can easily grab when things don't go according to plan or your schedule is slammed. ⠀ I've been eating what you see in the video for nearly three weeks. ⠀ Yes, it can be redundant and boring at times, but it keeps me on track. ⠀ Meal prep is ~60 minutes per week. ⠀ I never have to think about what I'm going to eat at the next meal. ⠀ Grocery shopping couldn't be easier. ⠀ Best of all... ⠀ I have plenty of energy throughout the day and I'm able to maintain my performance and physique. ⠀ If you enjoyed this video, FOLLOW us for more nutrition and fitness reccomendations 👊🏼
Ballistic Performance
11 months ago
⠀⠀ As a parent, it's HARD to carve out an hour for a workout. ⠀⠀ SAVE this 12-minute workout for the days you're strapped for time. ⠀⠀ Three rounds: Minute One - Kettlebell Swing Minue Two - Air Squat Minute Three - Burpee Minute Four - Rest ⠀⠀ If you don't have a Kettlebell, modify the first minute to the Air Squat, the second minute to the Burpee, and the third minute to a Sit-up or Hollow Rock. ⠀⠀ The goal is to move at a moderate, challenging pace (RPE 6-7) - you should need the minute of rest each round. ⠀⠀ There will be a drop-off in performance across the rounds (i.e. don't expect to maintain the same number of reps you did in the first round in the third). ⠀⠀ Remember, something is ALWAYS better than nothing. ⠀⠀ Even though it's only 12 minutes, you'll feel invigorated, accomplished, and most importantly, it will keep you consistent during the days/weeks you're completely slammed. ⠀⠀ FOLLOW for more efficient and effeective workouts for busy parents and professionals 💪🏼
Ballistic Performance
11 months ago
⠀ When I quit CrossFit, this happened. ⠀ From 2012 to 2020, I was a kool-aid drinking, fire-breathing CrossFit fanatic. ⠀ Full-time coach Competing in CrossFit Programming for various affiliates ⠀ CrossFit was my identity. ⠀ Don’t get me wrong, I became INCREDIBLY fit training CrossFit. ⠀ BUT… ⠀ That fitness came with a price. ⠀ Eventually, my body decided it was done getting the $h!t kicked out of it every damn day. ⠀ • Debilitating knee pain • Aching shoulders • Chronic fatigue • Irritability ⠀ Haters will say I overtrained, didn’t follow the right program, my nutrition wasn’t dialed-in, etc. ⠀ NONE of that is true. ⠀ The fact of the matter is CrossFit is great for getting people off the couch, teaching them how to move well, and the sport of CrossFit produces some of the fittest athletes in the world. ⠀ For the above-average fitness fanatic who’s looking for programming specific to their goal, CrossFit leaves a lot to be desired. ⠀ When I finally quit CrossFit, A LOT of things happened. ⠀ • I was able to prioritize rehabilitating my knees and getting out of pain. ⠀ • My chronic fatigue and irritability subsided. ⠀ • I started enjoying the gym again. ⠀ AND… ⠀ • My physique didn’t change - if anything it improved. ⠀ So, what does training consist of now? ⠀ • 3 lifting sessions/week • 1-2 aerobic conditioning sessions/week • 2-3 rest days/week • Consistent mobility and core work • Tempo for every exercise • Appropriate rest intervals • Adequate volume to achieve my aesthetic and functional goals ⠀ There is life after CrossFit. ⠀ There are programs other than CrossFit that make/keep you fit and functional. ⠀ Click the link (in bio 📲) for a 7-day FREE trial to our training programs and experience the Ballistic difference 💪🏼
Ballistic Performance
11 months ago
⠀ How to feel better in your workouts 💪🏻 ⠀ The purpose of a warm-up is four-fold: 1️⃣Elevate core body temperature and heart rate 2️⃣Increase bloodflow 3️⃣Move joints through a full range of motion 4️⃣Prepare for specific exercises in the training session ⠀ A quick 400-meter run or 1-2 sets at lighter weight is not enough to adequately prepare for (and dominate) your training session. ⠀ SAVE this seven-minute warm-up for your next workout…yes, I know the video says six minutes 😅 ⠀ Two rounds for quality: 30sec Ring Row 30sec Inchworm 30sec Push-up + Down Dog Toe Touch 30sec Groiner Stretch 30sec Alternating Pigeon Pose 30sec Roller V 30sec Bike, Row, or Run ⠀ If your coach or program doesn’t provide purposeful and specific warm-ups, it might be time to find a new program. ⠀ SAVE this warm-up for your next session 💪🏼
Ballistic Performance
11 months ago
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