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Introduction: This is a tiktok video published by Sabia and Loren. The video has now received more than 51.4K likes, 1.6K comments and 207 shares. It is deeply loved by fans. The following is the specific data and similar videos. Address, you can complete the operation on this page by clicking play or bookmarking the video.
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Words can never explain what this man means to me. Excuse the mini novel I’m about to type, but this summer will be 5 years. 5 years of loving him. We were teenagers when we met. We were just babies when his accidenr happened. We have grown so much together. We have faced mistakes, struggles, and one hell of a trauma together (getting cut in half really trauma-bonded us let me tell you.) Yet through it all we have never had doubts about the fact that we love each other. He is actually my soulmate. In this life, and the next. There was never a question in my mind when his accident happened of “do I stay?” because the option wasn’t even fathomable for me. I could never, and still can never, picture a future where he isn’t the one by my side. Our life is hard, but it is also so beautiful. Our future together almost got ripped away from us but the universe decided we deserved more time together. I hope a version of us gets to love each other in every life after this one. That is all. I’s just laying here next to him sleeping and having one of those “holy shit I’m so in love with you moments” so don’t mind me. ……. #love #hemicorporectomy #sabiaandloren #lorenschauers
Sabia and Loren
2 years ago
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