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Introduction: This is a tiktok video published by Nick Leyden. The video has now received more than 139.5K likes, 1.2K comments and 5.6K shares. It is deeply loved by fans. The following is the specific data and similar videos. Address, you can complete the operation on this page by clicking play or bookmarking the video.
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Reasons you’re not getting stronger ⬇️ (Gen Pop)Least Likely- (Athlete Pop) More likely- ✅ too much fatigue has accumulated and supressed strength and keeps us from making durther adaptation. ✅ motor unit recuitment isnt high enough- switch to more stable environment or exercises to adress or improve stability. ✅ muscle growth in paticular area is maxed out ✅ Rate of strength progression is to high for actual observed strength gains from workouts. And #1 is what i talked about in this video This is why as a coach I tend to error on the side of prgressing too fast with the programming with athletes who have 2-5yrs experience to compensate for them not going hard enough. Its a double edge sword I know but thats why in my program i have coaching calls to adress these things as they come up. Tag you workout partner who needs to hear this. #athlete #strength #athletetraining #strengthandconditioning
Nick Leyden
7 months ago
When selecting exercises for conditioning purposes you want to make sure that they are: ✅ low skill ✅ low ecentric loading ✅ compund movements ✅ high energy demanding You can plug an play any exercise that meets this checklist. #conditioningworkouts #mmaworkout #rugby #jujitsu #strengthandconditioning
Nick Leyden
8 months ago
Disclaimer: The type of athlete will depend if you should do this or not. If you are like me and respond well to a small workout prior to competion then get after. Is you feel slow, sluggish, and less explosive by resting to much before games then do this. If you feel taxed and not fully recovered before games don’t oractice and training then just rest and maybe some light mobility. This is something ill do 48hrs out from a game. If its day of it would look like this: 1-2 sets of 3-4 plyometrics in different planes of movements. 1 lower body power exercise, 1-2 sets 3-5 reps at 30-50%1RM and mobility, then im eating and chilling till game time and i would want to do this as early as I can to have at least 4-6hours if rest before game. The overcomming iso allow me to get a maximal strength stimulus without putting hardly any strain on the muscle fibers. The power work is to express power at high velocities and orime the CNS system. Volume needs to be low. This should fatigue you. You should leave the gym feeling good and wanting more. #rugbyworkout #rugbyplayer #rugbytraining #gameday #strengthandconditioning
Nick Leyden
8 months ago
People who love doing everything but sprinting arent going to like this one…. Yes, strength training, plyometric, and power traibing can help you get faster but they are bot a replacement for sprinting. They are supplemental to developing the quailites you need to sprint faster but without sprinting you will not see significant progress. They are more like a catalyst for speed development. Meaning when you do them + sprints you get more out of it. And Im speaking more developed athletes here. If your a novice and lack a lot of force and power out out and you focus on those yea you can come back faster because there was such a big deficit there. Big Guys you got to get out on the field and sprint. Everyone of you i talk with wants to be faster but avoids sprinting like the plague. Here is a little story from my personal life to drive this point home. I’m not a naturally fast athlete for reference. Ive spent the past 3+ years working on speed and doing all the right things in the gym to get faster. I had a trip to miami to train a client I kept training doing plyos lifting heavy doing power work and when i came back to teat my top speed it was about 1-1.5mph slower than previously before i left. The only difference in training was doing doing speed work. Im even 5lbs lighter now too. 1x/week to maintain 2-3 to improve. And it ahould be damn near year round. #speed #speedtraining #oline #dline #rugby
Nick Leyden
8 months ago
Full Lower Body Strength & Power Workout ⬇️ 1A. Front squat 4-5x3 @80-87% 2A.Hurdle Hops 3-5 jumps 3A. Band assistwd jump x5 Rest 3-5min 1B Split RDL 3-4x3-4ea 2B Split KB swing x5ea 3B Yuri x10ea Rest 3-5min Forward decel lunge 3x5ea Conditioning: 15/45 work to rest assult bike sprints for 12min (anaerobic repeat power) 20min run zone 2-3 Following lower body day thats when you hit aome lateral plan movements, knee dominant hamstring, groin, and ither goal soecifc exercises for yourself. #athletetraining #posteriorchain #explosiveworkout #rugbyworkout
Nick Leyden
9 months ago
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