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Introduction: This is a tiktok video published by otakubeast1010. The video has now received more than 286.3K likes, 1.2K comments and 3.1K shares. It is deeply loved by fans. The following is the specific data and similar videos. Address, you can complete the operation on this page by clicking play or bookmarking the video.
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#duet with @حنين 🙈 Fun Fact! Most people living in Israel have dual citizenship with the US and various other Western nations, such as the UK, France, Germany, Spain, etc., and are not even NATIVE to that Israel. Most were born overseas. DNA tests are illegal in Israel. I guess they don't want people that were born there to know their lineage actually leads them back to Europe or the US. Palestinians actually hold direct DNA lineage to the ancient Jews from that region from the time of Jesus Christ, more so than the Israelis living there. So tell me, who holds actual claim to that land? Now do you understand why we want an "end to an occupation"? why we want a "free palestine"? We want them to be free of the invading foreigners who are trying to steal their homeland, drive them out, and exterminate them.
11 months ago
#duet with @Ashcapps_ #theyruledotnet in case you are wondering why unions are a thing of the past, and you haven't gotten a substantial raise in forever, and pensions are rare to get, and you get no benefits, and you get laid off, and the products you buy aren't as good and healthy as they used to be, it's because aaalll the profits from your labor gets passed around these select few. these are our lords. their decisions can affect the livelihood of millions of people worldwide, and believe me when i say they do NOT CARE ABOUT YOU. They care about their bottom line. How much more money can they squeeze out of us in the working class majority. How many more homes and yachts and private planes, and bunkers can they buy. They are taking those profits and investing in themselves and each other, not in their businesses. There is no trickle down economy, it's all being hoarded by the top. Time to get some pitchforks and torches ready and visit some mansions... jkjkjk lol...
11 months ago
#duet with @Luciux Riker #greenscreen #greenscreenvideo not only do they murder children, but they use their cries as bait. if you even still support what the hell israel is doing, you have revoked your title as a human being. I pray that when you are in need, you are suffering, you are shown kindness and mercy, knowing full well that it isn't deserved.
11 months ago
#duet with @Noel ‼️ #greenscreen #nawalornoel Let's just call it as it literally is. Israel is a land of child murderers. They better carry that title wherever they go in the world. wherever they scamper off to in the world. they better carry that title throughout history, and if the mainstream media won't use that title, then the people that witness their cruelty better not let them write this fact out of history...
11 months ago
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