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#solareclipse #yourfuture #sun #dreams #dreamscometrue
꩜ Barcelona.Mystic 𒀭
11 months ago
PART 4 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ Portal STEP 3: Manifestiation 🌜The last step is to Manifest on the 11 Jan, preferably at night, supported by the energy of a New Moon. You can use any manifesting method you like. 🖐️ I prefer this simple and the most powerful that works for me. It is my favourite method. 1. Write your wishes and desires on 1-2 pages of paper. Write them down as if you are describing your life. Like a happy memory or a story. 2. Read what you wrote 12 times. Don’t rush, fully immerse yourself in this new life you have described. 3. Burn the paper, mix the ashes with lots of water and pour this water under trees or big plants. #111 #111portal #111portal2024 #manifestation #powerfulmanifestation #powerfulrituals #powerfullritual #ancientrituals #ancientwitch #ancientwitchcraft #powerofmanifestation #newmoon #newmoonmagic
꩜ Barcelona.Mystic 𒀭
1 years ago
PART 3: 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣Portal Next step (2) is to Build and Prepare your Foundation to easily accept and grow new success your life. 1. Take any grain, I use rice or barley. Through them on any soil, any flowerbed, lawn, field, park Don’t throw them on paved road, asphalt or tiles. 2. And say these words, it’s our ancestral spell: "Bless this field, fertile and kind, A cradle for dreams, of heart and mind. Seeds of desire, sown with care, Grow in abundance, rich and rare. Rooted deep in sacred ground, My dreams bear fruit, all around. Flourishing high, they reach and strive, In this blessed field, my hopes come alive." 3. Walk away from this spot without looking back. #111 #111portal #111portal2024 #manifestation #manifest #manifesting #manifestacion #newmoon #newmoonincapricorn
꩜ Barcelona.Mystic 𒀭
1 years ago
PART 2: 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣Portal Taking into account the importance of this event and how rare happens, we need to do a little bit more to harness its full potential. I broke down this ritual into 3 steps: 1. Remove, Cleanse 2. Prep the foundation 3. Manifest Here's what you should do before the 11th of January: I. This is a ritual to cleanse your mind & life to make room for new beginnings, new success. 1. Pour water in a bowl, put a bit of salt in it. 4. Whisper into this bowl all your doubts, fears, negativity, all that bothers you, all that you think stops you from growth and progress. 5. Don’t rush, release all negativity into this water. Then pour it in the sink while saying these words (it’a our acnetrial cleansing spell) or any affirmation you prefer: “Take my sorrows, take my bad luck, Take all troubles and wrong doings, Flow away my fears, Flow away my tears. Never to comeback to me, never to appear” After this ritual don’t use this bowl, do not eat or drink form it. If you do need to uae it, wash with with salt several times. #111 #111portal #111portal2024 #111portalisopen #manifest #manifesting #manifestation #manifestingmethods #manifestacion
꩜ Barcelona.Mystic 𒀭
1 years ago
Part 1. 1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ Portal on 11 Jan with a New Moon. It’s a rare event and here is a special 3-steps approach to make sure you user it to your advantage and fully enjoy this event and its impact. #111 #111portal #111portal2024 #manifestation #manifestingmethods
꩜ Barcelona.Mystic 𒀭
1 years ago

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