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About two months ago, our officers responded to an eviction call with dogs. When they arrived on scene, they made contact with a man who had recently been evicted from his home, and did not have anywhere to go with his dogs. He surrendered both of them to us as they were littermates, and this is how we met sweet senior Missy. Missy’s sister, Lady, was adopted after just a short stay with us. But Missy has now been here for 65 days, with very little interest in her. Maybe it’s because she is a senior. Maybe it’s because she is calm, moves a little slower, and has a little more grey around her face. Maybe it’s because she doesn’t fit the fashionable breed look. We don’t know why, but sadly, day after day, this beautiful girl gets overlooked. So let’s talk about what we do know. Missy is great on a leash, good with other dogs and shares her space readily. She is a helper dog, and many a volunteer has learned dog handling skills under her tutelage. She is calm, intelligent, and very affectionate. Missy loves her yard time and spends it well, getting some sun, taking in all the smells, and sweetly begging for belly rubs. Let’s get her seen. Let’s get her home. #shelterdog #rescuedog #animalshelter
Albert Harris | Photographer
10 months ago
When young dogs come to the shelter, it’s hard for us to see them get ignored and overlooked. A lot of these dogs are a year old or less, sweet and energetic, but oftentimes unsocialized and untrained. People will take them outside for an interaction, and they are just overwhelmed by what is basically a big puppy. They’ll say things like, “this dog is hyper.” “| need a calm dog.” It’s hard to make people understand that when you adopt a dog that young, what that dog becomes is entirely up to you. These pups are basically blank slates waiting for the right family to train them, socialize them and love them into the good dogs that they want to be. This is Kojak’s story. He is a little over a year old, and already this is the second time he’s been at the shelter. The first time he was picked up, his owner reclaimed him right away. The second time, he was brought into the shelter by our friends at the Orlando Police Department. Kojak was found about 100 feet from his home, but when we tried to contact his owners, they never responded. We even sent officers to his house, but no one ever came forward this time to reclaim him. Kojak, like most young dogs at the shelter, was at first fearful and unsure. He was afraid of other dogs, and we had very little luck in trying to pair him. After 34 days here with us, he has warmed up a great deal to staff. He has a puppy’s sweet and boundless energy. Though he’s not a big dog, at 50lbs and muscular he can be a lot to handle. Kojak also has a tendency to forget his size, and tries to climb on our laps or jump up for hugs. He needs patience, consistent training, and a big heart. Kojak still prefers to be alone, but he’s young enough that we think he will be able to eventually enjoy the company of another dog. He wants to run, jump and play, but is so rough and tumble that it makes him seem clumsy and at times intrusive. He wants to a good dog but was never thought how to be one. Let’s him seen. Let’s get him home. #shelterdog #animalshelter #rescuedog
Albert Harris | Photographer
11 months ago
Total Eclipse of the bark 😉😂 but for realsies, Kojak like many dogs need your help to get seen and heard! We will do whatever we can to get him seen! You know what to do! He’s not a fan of other dogs & is unknown with cats. Together we can get the right home that he deserves! #shelterdog #animalshelter #eclipse
Albert Harris | Photographer
11 months ago
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