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Introduction: This is a tiktok video published by Hailey Outside. The video has now received more than 17.6K likes, 13 comments and 13 shares. It is deeply loved by fans. The following is the specific data and similar videos. Address, you can complete the operation on this page by clicking play or bookmarking the video.
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Spring hiking is the most variable in my opinion, so here’s what I do to be extra prepared: 🌼 Apply @ATTITUDE Sunly Mineral Sunscreen Stick. The sun is out more and more and I want to make sure our skin is protected. I love this sunscreen stick because it’s easy to apply, blends like a dream, and comes in plastic free packaging. #ATTITUDEpartner 🌼 Keep clothing options in the back of my car. The weather can vary so much from my front door to the trailhead and throughout the day so I want to make sure we don’t have to turn around and go home just because we weren’t prepared for the weather. 🌼 Make sure me and my kids are aware of wild wildlife safety. Animals are coming out of hibernation and having their babies so it’s especially important to make sure my wildlife safety knowledge is fresh and that I am consistently reminding my kids about what to do if we encounter a wild animal. What are your best spring hiking tips? #sunlysunscreen #hikingwithkids #utahmom #momlife #hikingadventures
Hailey Outside
11 months ago
Life after kids is very different than life before kids, there’s no way around it. And it should because you are taking on the responsibility of caring for a whole other person. But that doesn’t mean it has to fully change you as a person and what you love to do. I love the outdoors and have never felt like it was necessary to give that up just because I am a mom now. There’s a lot of things I have learned and am still learning along the way. But I have taken the safety precautions and educated myself enough to feel comfortable bringing my kids with me in the outdoor space. Tell me what has helped you get outside with your kids and leave any questions below! #hikingwithkids #momlife #momof2 #utahmom #momsofinstagram #hikingadventures #camplife
Hailey Outside
11 months ago
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