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Introduction: This is a tiktok video published by edwardandjen on ig 📸. The video has now received more than 13.8K likes, 35 comments and 59 shares. It is deeply loved by fans. The following is the specific data and similar videos. Address, you can complete the operation on this page by clicking play or bookmarking the video.
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THE KETTLEBELL SNATCH There are countless benefits to the kettlebell snatch but before doing this you must show mastery in the ff: 1 single arm swings 2 strict press (for reps) *So you know the shoulder can handle load overhead and handle dynamic movement Now for the kettlebell snatch...why do i love it? 1. You burn more calories per minute with a KB snatch than anything else you can do in the gym. the use of the full body, the ability to seamlessly flow one rep into the next and the HR response you get from that, is a major metabolic boost. 2. The KB snatch challenges all three energy systems while developing strength and power. Once you become proficient in the snatch it's an amazing way to develop power and overhead strength. 3. You will develop coordination between the upper body and hips that makes you more athletic. Force production starts in the hips, transfers through your abs, and is expressed by the hand.
edwardandjen on ig 📸
10 months ago
Life isn't only about working hard. It's about being strategic and putting your energy towards what matters to you. Don't waste your time on things that won't bring you closer to your goals. You need to discover your passion and purpose and be smart about how you go about achieving them. Remember, success isn't just about putting in long hours, but about making the most of every opportunity. In my case, one of my ultimate goals in life is to be the best that i can be as a father. Yeah, i am a dad of soon to be 3 and i intend to stay fit as i can be. When my hair turns gray, and if it does, I wanna be able to carry my daughters with ease still and smoke my son when we do a foot race. ☝🏻😅 If you're a dad or plan to be someday, and you need help - DM me "dadbod" to get started 💯
edwardandjen on ig 📸
11 months ago
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