Introduction: This is a tiktok video published by N I C O. The video has now received more than 462.9K likes, 1.9K comments and 42.8K shares. It is deeply loved by fans. The following is the specific data and similar videos. Address, you can complete the operation on this page by clicking play or bookmarking the video.

The story of his walkies on leash: It’s been for a while since I wanted to do a video showing a bit of Nico’s progress with his adventurous outdoor favourite activity: hiking Through his tiktoks we have received a mixed of opinions and I feel like it’s time to say something and give some context. We had horrendous comments like “your cat is going to die” “you gonna get your cat killed” and so on. I’ve always loved cats and believed they deserve way much more attention and love that what they usually receive, in fact, I completely disagree with the belief of cats are low mantainance and not affectionated, and I believe Nico is living proof of this. I spent nearly everyday training Nico, I changed my work to be always at home so I could spend time bonding with him, he became my priority number 1 since I got him. With this in mind I decided I wanted to take him everywhere I go and I was just lucky enough he’s such an adventurous boy and loves going out and exploring - he isn’t scare of anything, not even dogs. I understand for some people walking a cat on a leash can be strange, but it’s the safest way to ensure your cat can enjoy the outdoors being supervised - because let’s be real - there is a lot of danger out there. We are city people, so just leaving him to be outside by its own with cars, strangers, dirt (trash) was never an option for me. Instead, I decided to trust him and let him go off leash in remote places or at least making sure he stayed within a range of me, this took a lot of patience and effort for both of us. I trust Nico and he is trusting me and unless that changes he will keep having leash off time to time, and don’t get me wrong, I sometimes get scared too, but the happiness I know it brings to the two of us is stronger than the fear. People worry about dogs, but I must certainly say for experience and the time Nico and I have been doing this, the dogs in hikes are so well behaved, if anything Nico learned to just ignore them or if he feels unsafe to let me know by meowing so I pick him up. Now Noah arrived to our lives, because they deserve a life companion too, so we are repeting history here. Thanks for reading! #catsoftiktok #pets #kittens
Duration: 51 sPosted : Fri, 03 Mar 2023 20:25:43Views
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