Introduction: This is a tiktok video published by MATT BIELLI. The video has now received more than 899 likes, 20 comments and 75 shares. It is deeply loved by fans. The following is the specific data and similar videos. Address, you can complete the operation on this page by clicking play or bookmarking the video.
bailando 🇧🇷💛 @julia_okropiridze @officialdwts #lambada#kaomalambada#lambadadance#braziliandance#dancecouples#latindance # #Lambada
Duration: 21 sPosted : Sat, 22 Apr 2023 00:52:50Views
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AMERICAN RUMBA TIPS!! ⬇️⬇️⬇️ The sequence: 1) The Box Step 📦 2) The Under Arm Turn + Check in Fan Position 🙆♂️ 3) The Open Cuban Walks in Handshake Hold 🤝 4) The Right Side Dip 💋 Tips: 1) Make sure you’re connected to your partner throughout the dance, weather it’s visually, physically or emotionally. All of them at the same time would be great!! 2) Smaller and more compact steps to increase hip, leg and arm actions. 3) HAVE FUN! 📲 Make sure to share with your partner and friends & to follow and stay tuned for more dance videos full of tips, cool moves and dance tutorials! 💃🏽 @Jackie duenas ♥️ #dancetutorial #dancetips #americanrumba #ballroomdancing #danceteachers #losangeles
1 years ago
HOW TO DO IT ⬇️⬇️⬇️ Leader 💪 : 1) spin your partner “into your arms” so that you’re totally in control of you and them the whole time. 2) Lunge on your left leg and create a straight line with the right one. Make sure ti feel like you’re sitting throughout the execution of the step. 3) Help your partner with moving your right shoulder to create a whip action and then square up during the dip while slightly leaning right. Follower 👐 : 1) As soon as you’re done with the spin, coordinate your left hand AND leg to reach for the leader and be securely connected to them. 2) Engage your core muscles to lift yourself up and be able to stretch outwards in the whip action and backwards in the dip. 3) Make sure to point your feet throughout the execution of the step. Add our own flavor and personalize your styling with your free hand (the right one!). 🪩 Make sure to share with your partner and follow for more dance videos full of dips, tricks, demos and tutorials! 💟You can also subscribe to @Jackie duenas’s IG account for more detailed and technical explanations! #firstdance #weddingdance #ballroomdancing #dwts #dancepartners #dancetutorial #dancetips
1 years ago
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