Introduction: This is a tiktok video published by col.ay. The video has now received more than 11.7K likes, 252 comments and 27 shares. It is deeply loved by fans. The following is the specific data and similar videos. Address, you can complete the operation on this page by clicking play or bookmarking the video.

gaiss mau cerita dikit kalo aku KEHILANGAN PERCAYA DIRI di SOSMED, kalo dulu post apa aja suka bodo amat, sekarang apa apa suka OVERTHINKING, dan ini muncul sejak sblm akun pertama aku hilang sampe kebawa sekarang, kemarin aja itu maksa bgt, krna byk yg kngen gw ngonten smpe DM di IG, dan skrng bner" jdi gini, susah buat post apa" apalagi byk hal" yg udah di lewati, semoga setelah ini bisa kembali kyak dlu lgi dehh, thank u bgt yg masi bertahan buat ngefollow smpe skrng walau udah byk yg pergi🫶💗💋smoga vid ini gk bkal di private lgi dehh kyak yg lain
Duration: 13 sPosted : Mon, 15 May 2023 02:10:18Views
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