Introduction: This is a tiktok video published by Sambal Ebunda. The video has now received more than 2.2K likes, 135 comments and 50 shares. It is deeply loved by fans. The following is the specific data and similar videos. Address, you can complete the operation on this page by clicking play or bookmarking the video.
Tak sudi memandang tidak mengapa, tapi jgn menghina dan memperlekehkan atas segala susah payah dlm seseorng itu mencari rezeki, bukan mudah utk share dan buat video masakan yer… Biar pun ramai yg kecam rendang Kmas ni tp percayalah setiap masakan itu ada caranya tersendiri, lain org lain sentuhannya, jadiknlah sbg satu ilmu bukan bahan perbandingan, saper2 nak join pre order RENDANG EBUNDA boleh tekan linktree kat bio Kmas tu yer… In Sya Allah Kmas sedaya upaya menghasilkan RENDANG EBUNDA FRESH utk customer yg sudi membeli dan join pre order, semoga Allah sajer yg mampu membalas kebaikan korang… #preorder#rendangebunda#rendanghomemade#rendangfresh#sambalebunda#sambalfresh#sambalhomemade#sambalpremium#sihat#sedapMati hidup semula
Duration: 55 sPosted : Mon, 22 May 2023 11:17:48Views
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