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More in the caption👇👇👇👇 This energy will not come back for another 12 years!!!! Enjoy it while it lasts gemini placements! Aquarius & libra placements u will also experience major abundance & growth throughout this year just slightly different. If u have ur sun in gemini- u will arrive at your true purpise, u will begin to recognize exactly what it is you are meant to be doing here. If u have ur moon in gemini- u will expand ur home, move to a new place, buy amazing furniture, and ur mom will be in good health If u have ur mercury in gemini- u will excel on your studies & expand ur knowledge If ur venus is in gemini- theres a big chance u get married or find the love of your life and make a lot of money If ur jupiter is in gemini- u will experience the most amount of luck, u could get a new car (gemini rules over transportation), u could excel in ur studies, ur mindset becomes a lot more positive therefore allowing u to attract so much more abundance into your life #astrology #zodiacsigns #gemini #abundance #wealth #jupiteringemini #jupiter #zodiac
8 months ago
This conjunction begins a 14 year long cycle so make sure youre following along to see exactly what area of your life is about to get completely shaken up & changed forever. CALLING ALL FIXED SIGNS TAURUS SCORPIO LEO AND AQUARIUS- the rocks of the zodiac, you are really about to shake your whole world up. Expect the unexpected, expect change (even if you dont like it), expect your mindset to shift, expect to see things from a whole new light. This transit will be the ulitmate one for quantum leaps / jumping & it will be abundant almost instantly. Uranus is VERY quick & sudden. Jupiter expands that energy. Something so unpredictable is about to unfold that will get us all to a much more enlightened path filled with so much truth and new beginnings. We all know by now that there are multiple realities currently happening in this moment, so which one are you going to destroy / break free from only to arrive at your dream one? This transit will show us all that it could really be that easy. Enjoy 🩷 #astrology #jupiteruranusconjunction #jupiter #uranus #april #taurus #leo #scorpio #aquarius #quantumjumping #quantumphysics #quantum #quantumleap #manifestation
11 months ago
Our last solar eclipse in aries for the next 10 years!!!!!! Eclipses are intense and lets top it off with a mercury rx while were at it and mercury is our ability to see so when retrograde we could feel sort of blindsided to answers as to “why is this all happening” “why am I being stirred to a completely different direction” “nothing is going according to plan” eclipses are extremely fated so pay very close attention to what is happening around you, all of the signs, the people that are coming in and out of your life - but most importantly pay attention to the area of your life that is needing all of your strength right now - as Aries energy is very courageous, independent and fearless So Make sure you check out my next posts about what area of your life needs you to find that courageous strength like never before according to your sign! #astrology #zodiacsigns #eclipse #solareclipse #eclipseszn #mercuryretrograde #aries #capricorn #cancer #libra #horoscope
11 months ago
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