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It was a long day of sharing and hearing powerful stories from artists and activisits at The Mobius Conference in Coachella Valley 🖤 It reminded me of a time I almost took myself out of the game…if someone else has already successfully done what you want to do, that doesnt mean you shouldn’t do it. That’s proof of concept! Your unique take on it will reach so many other people 🙌🏽 #publicspeaking #tedtalk #vulnerability #s#survivord#disabilitym#mobilityi#inclusionj#joye#expressionw#womensrightsw#womenm#movementc#communityr#recoveryh#healingw#womenempowermentb#bodypostivitye#exerciset#tanzaniaa#africand#dancel#lgbtqs#sisterhoodm#musicd#dressf#fashiondanceislife
Nurjahan Boulden
8 months ago
Wait till the end 💀I don’t know who’s more off…me for making this course or you all for loving it 😂 But for real, it makes my soul so happy every time I get a message saying how much it’s impacted you. Thank you all for loving me as I am and for being silly right along with me…bc you know I’m a mess! 🫠 And if you haven’t joined yet, the |!nks to Belly Dance Basics, my Belly Dance Through the Anger program, and my online community (with live cl@sses) are all in my b!0 ❤️ #bel#bellydancel#culturea#traditiont#tutorialv#diversityr#survivors#disabilityb#mobilityc#inclusiony#joyp#expressionm#womensrightsm#womenv#movementm#communityc#recoverya#healingm#womenempowermentd#bodypostivitye#exercisen#tanzaniar#africann#danceb#lgbtqs#sisterhoods#musice#dresss#fashionnceislife
Nurjahan Boulden
8 months ago
I have tutorials for all of these moves in standing, sitting, and lying down positions in my reels…and in-depth lessons in my Belly Dance Basics pr0gr@m and my Belly Dance Through the Ang€r pr0gr@m—on s@|€ now at the |!nk in my bi• ❤️ I’m joking about ice cream here, but belly dance really has helped me work through so much anger in the aftermath of my sh0•ting. I’m so grateful for the ways I’ve learned to channel that ang€r into creativity…and for the ways it’s added power and p@ssion to my dance 🙌🏽 #bellydance #culture #tradition #tutorial #diversity #survivor #disability #mobility #inclusion #joy #expression #womensrights #women #movement #community #recovery #healing #womenempowerment #bodypostivity #exercise #tanzania #african #dance #lgbtq #sisterhood #music #dress #fashion #danceislife
Nurjahan Boulden
8 months ago
As long as you believe in the humanity of all people, anyone can practice these healing traditions—no matter your background. You can j0!n my Belly Dance Basics pr0gr@m and my Belly Dance Through the Anger c0urse (on s@|e now) at the |!nks in my b!0 ❤️ Fr€€ P@|€$t!n€, Fr€€ K0ng0, Fr€€ Sud@n, Fr€€ Y€m€n 🫶🏽 #bellydance #culture #tradition #tutorial #diversity #survivor #disability #mobility #inclusion #joy #expression #womensrights #women #movement #community #recovery #healing #womenempowerment #bodypostivity #exercise #tanzania #african #dance #lgbtq #sisterhood #music #dress #fashion #danceislife
Nurjahan Boulden
8 months ago
I can (and do) wear whatever I want, and I hope you do too! Dressing is an important form of self-expression, and we should get to dress in alignment with our own joy and values. People always ask where my dresses are from, and I feel so bad that I can’t give you an easy source where you can 0rder them 0n|!ne. I get most of mine from family members in Tanzania (like this one) and some others from a P@|3st!n!@n-owned sh0p in Anaheim called Al Anwar Isl@mic Fashion, which has different styles from across Africa and the Middle East…but they don’t have an 0n|!ne shop. That being said, I do have a link in my bio with 0n|!ne spots who have similar styles to mine. We call them abayas or deras in Tanzania, and other regions have other terms for them. No matter what you choose to wear, you can learn our unique practice of belly dance by j0!ning my Belly Dance Basics pr0gr@m and my Belly Dance Through the Anger c0urse (on s@|e n0w!) at the |!nks in my b!• ✨ Shout out to Camille from my belly dance community who shared this song with us during our |!ve cl@ss last week…I absolutely love it! Mango by Sevana 💛 #bel#bellydancel#culturea#traditiont#tutorialv#diversityr#survivors#disabilityb#mobilityc#inclusiony#joyp#expressionm#womensrightsm#womenv#movementm#communityc#recoverya#healingm#womenempowermentd#bodypostivitye#exercisen#tanzaniar#africann#danceb#lgbtqs#sisterhoods#musice#dresss#fashionnceislife
Nurjahan Boulden
8 months ago
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