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Sara Omi is recognized as one of the most powerful women in Central America by Forbes magazine & is the FIRST Indigenous Emberá lawyer in the fight for gender equality and the defense of the rights of Indigenous peoples & Indigenous women and Youth in Panamá. “A woman, for what? We only need a candidate who will compete," the men told Sara Omi (Ipeti, Panama, 1987) when, after years as a traditional authority and president of the Emberá territory of Alto Bayano, she wanted to apply for the position of cacique, the highest representation in her community. “Despite the fact that she lost the elections "with tricks and frauds," as she denounced, "I decided, as a woman, to be part of this process. And I didn't come out crying, I came out stronger," says Omi.” “I consider myself a leader since I was in my mother's womb since I was born and raised at a critical moment of struggle of my community, Ipeti Emberá, which was facing the invasion of non-indigenous people. I saw how the persecutions of community leaders were given before justice for alleged crimes that never existed, only for defending their territory, in addition, for the lack of access to basic rights, such as quality education and health.” Sara Omi was born in the community of Ipeti, Emberá of the Alto Bayano & became the 1st woman from her community to study a university! At age 15 she left her community to finish high school. Influenced by her mother, Sara graduated from law school at a private university with the support of a scholarship. One of her many accomplishments was when she aided in the process to pass Law 72 A, which awards Indigenous peoples & communities ownership of the collective lands they have traditionally inhabited in 🇵🇦 “As women, we have a fundamental role in the processes of forest conservation and in the demand for territorial rights. We are the ones who maintain the traditional knowledge, we maintain the identity.” -Sara Omi #indigenouswomen #indigenoushistorymonth #panama #panama🇵🇦 #womeninlaw #badasswomeninhistory #indigenousterritory
Duration: 0 sPosted : Sat, 03 Jun 2023 22:00:07Views
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