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Introduction: This is a tiktok video published by ⭒ Sterling ⭒. The video has now received more than 242 likes, 4 comments and 0 shares. It is deeply loved by fans. The following is the specific data and similar videos. Address, you can complete the operation on this page by clicking play or bookmarking the video.
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TODAY MARKS 4 YEARS TEACHING⭐️! As a former personal trainer, college athlete, and online coach, I’ve learned the most valuable code…embarking on the never ending journey of teaching requires diligence, passion, and commitment to continue leveling up. With my background in soccer and team sports, that grit to achieve and be the best I can be for the greater good of something outside of me is just a unique source of fuel I can constantly dip into. Sharing space with y’all has been the greatest gift in opening this portal 4 years ago because it reminds me to channel humility as I move through my purpose. I genuinely ponder on what it was like in 2020…I hosted my first class a week before the world shut down and, at that time, there were hardly any shuffle teachers, which meant there was no paved path to follow (like there is now) just the knowledge I accumulated from dancing on my own, studying, my personal training background, and my bachelors in nutritional science that required hours in anatomy and physiology. Whether I would be teaching classes in the years to come was beyond me but HERE WE ARE⭐️! I am so(ul) happy to have you here growing and diving into more of your expression with me in the studio. Thank you for trusting in me to guide you all these years <333 Cheers to what’s to come!💫✨💫
⭒ Sterling ⭒
1 years ago
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