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Introduction: This is a tiktok video published by Kodiak The Travel Cat. The video has now received more than 1.0M likes, 2.2K comments and 5.5K shares. It is deeply loved by fans. The following is the specific data and similar videos. Address, you can complete the operation on this page by clicking play or bookmarking the video.
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Kodiak started on TikTok in December 2020 as a fun video library of his life i could have forever. Though Id worked in social media since 2016 and knew anything was possible, i cannot say Kodi’s growth and expanding audience was anything i imagined or expected. ‘Its just a cat channel tho’ is a thought i noticed visiting me with frequency. ‘For now’ is the intention I’d respond with. I live my life on intuition. Its scary at times, but ive always had a dying need to live out the light i have in me as a result of loving parenting and encouragement at scale to be myself, unappologetically. I want to bring more light to the world before my time is up, whenever that may be. This is the purpose i live for. Business is how I channel this purpose and intuition in order to stay grounded, and function alongside systemic society. Im also a bit of a nerd 🤓. I dont like selling - it messes with the connection you feel with people. Thats always been more important to me than money. I love the game of money, however. Its more of a game of ‘how’ I make my money rather than ‘how much?’ to me. Money is oxygen to amplify your intentions. Ive been diving progressively into my version of ‘pure entreprenuership’ over the last 8 years, and this year ive begun to feel my base has structured itself properly for me to have the best chance ive ever had at thriving, as me. Cambio Unlimited is my card game. The purpose behind it is to spread mental and environmental sustainability. It also has beautiful profit margins 🤓 Van Life Campgrounds is my home. A network ive joined that kodi and i can bounce around in helping alongside their vision. Theyve also given us community, after much time in isolation - just me and the nugget 😸 I am ready to start sharing my life as well as Kodis moving forward. My businesses will come up, as these things are major components to my life and joy - but my intention is to spread light into a world it can be so easy to perceive as dark. I am still afraid. But i am loved. A new chapter has begun alongside Kodiak the Travel Cat 😸❤️ #kodiakthetravelcat #cambiounlimited #vanlifecampgrounds @Cambio Unlimited @Van Life Campgrounds
Kodiak The Travel Cat
11 months ago
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