Introduction: This is a tiktok video published by Fernanda | Productivity Guru. The video has now received more than 92.8K likes, 655 comments and 1.7K shares. It is deeply loved by fans. The following is the specific data and similar videos. Address, you can complete the operation on this page by clicking play or bookmarking the video.
Sistem Wireless In-ear Monitor dan very very basic knowledge tentang gimana routing dan ngirim suaranya. Yes I know blm sampe tahap sirip antena, rak transmitter in stereo send. dan kirim aux via sends on fader. Saya bkinin super sederhana banget buat awam bisa paham, konten ini bukan ditujukan untuk senior2 yg sudah lebih mengerti tentang Monitoring System di panggung. Kemampuan saya dalam ngonten dengan bahasa super mudah in 1-2 minute video, like teaching a five year old adalah yg saya tekankan di sini, bukan identitas atau citra ingin terlihat professionalnya. I hope people understand that 🙏 What I'm trying to do, and how impactful it is to help people discover their love towards Audio. #audio #tech #gadget #iem #tws #gaming #concert #mixing #headset #headphones #nyobainproduktiktok #feedback #konser #monitoring #monitor
Duration: 83 sPosted : Tue, 25 Jul 2023 05:11:05Views
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