Introduction: This is a tiktok video published by Koko Jemmy. The video has now received more than 184 likes, 23 comments and 5 shares. It is deeply loved by fans. The following is the specific data and similar videos. Address, you can complete the operation on this page by clicking play or bookmarking the video.
Yuk buat Cake Coklat Moist yg Viral itu Koko jemmy buatnya pakai : Hand Mixer MITO MX200 @Mito Rp. 519.000 - 5 Kecepatan Turbo - High end Quality - Low watt Oven Listrik MO-888 fantasy 2 Rp. 1.359.000 @mito - api atas & api bawah terpisah suhunya - double termostat - fermentation button - tambahan tatakan baking total 3 layer Berikut resepnya : Bahan Cair : Dark Compound Chocolate 100gr Mentega tawar 120gr Susu uht cair 100ml Garam 2 jumput Bahan Kering : Terigu 110gr Coklat bubuk 20gr Baking powder 1/2 sdt Baking soda 1/4 sdt Telur 3 butir Gula pasir 120gr Topping : Whipping Cream Cair 100ml Dark Compound Chocolate 100gr Milk Compound Chocolate 100gr #serunyakuliner #foodfestontiktok #kuliner #kokojemmy #resep #recipe #cake #coklatmoist #cake #coklatmoist #baking #mito #handmixer #mx200 #oven #fantasy #mo888
Duration: 108 sPosted : Fri, 28 Jul 2023 12:49:22Views
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