Introduction: This is a tiktok video published by meeyka lautner. The video has now received more than 189 likes, 27 comments and 9 shares. It is deeply loved by fans. The following is the specific data and similar videos. Address, you can complete the operation on this page by clicking play or bookmarking the video.
TRIGGERED SUARA !! Slow kan sikit sound🤣 SUAMI KAU GAMER ❌ ISTERI KAU GAMER✅ DESIGNER BRAND PRESENT❌ GAMING PRESENT✅ THE BEST PRESENT EVER !! Unexpected birthday present !!! Moody harini sekali suami surprise kan😭♥️ Tgh syok2 tgk Tiktok kawan sekali nahh WEIIIII AKU INGT HADIAH BIASA2 JE WEII !!! Sorry suara aku mcm sotong tersepit🤣 maafkan Mummy pael , Tk perasan pael ada hahahaha sian anak akuu🥲♥️ Terima kasih SUAMIKU ♥️ Semoga murah rezeki suamiku♥️ punyalah risau husband ada duit ke tak , sempat aku tanya hahahaha Dh lama wei aku preorder tapi tk pernah dpt , Rupanya Allah bagi cara macamni♥️ Terima kasih suamiku♥️ tgh pk nk balas hadiah apa pula nnti🤣 #PS5 #birthdaygirl#birthdaypresent#birthdaygirl#ps5#playstation5#suamiku#hadiahdarisuami#mikamalique#gamer#ps5#surprisebirthdayPS5
Duration: 76 sPosted : Fri, 04 Aug 2023 10:43:04Views
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