Introduction: This is a tiktok video published by A K M A R. The video has now received more than 4.3K likes, 165 comments and 768 shares. It is deeply loved by fans. The following is the specific data and similar videos. Address, you can complete the operation on this page by clicking play or bookmarking the video.

Resepi biscoff cheese Bahan A (ayak) Tepung gandum 220gm 1 sk soda bikarbonat 1 sk baking powder Bahan B 4 biji telur (saya guna telur b) 155 gm gula halus ( kurangkan manis dari buat yang dulu, sebab Biscoff dah manis) 1 sb ovalate 1 sb creamy vanilla/ perisa vanilla (Mixer sampai gebu) Bahan C Susu full cream 30 gm Bahan D Minyak masak 65 gm Mixer bahan B sampai gebu, bila dah gebu masuk C then mixer Kemudian masuk bahan A dan minyak. Mixer lagi. Siap semua letak dalam acuan 110 gm. Dapat 5 biji kek .Kukus 30 min api sederhana. 🤍 Topping cream cheese 500 gm cheese 170 gm susu pekat 180 gm whiping cream 120 gm susu full cream ( Campur semua, then blend sampai dia smooth) Biscoff spread, double boilkan je. Pastu tabur biscoff hancur ☺️ Ashiapp.. #biscoffcheesecake #biscoffcake #biscoffcheese #biscoffdessert #kekcheeseleleh
Duration: 22 sPosted : Sun, 24 Sep 2023 03:43:29Views
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