Introduction: This is a tiktok video published by NurulRazali | Kitchen. The video has now received more than 925 likes, 65 comments and 143 shares. It is deeply loved by fans. The following is the specific data and similar videos. Address, you can complete the operation on this page by clicking play or bookmarking the video.
Tempoyak Pucuk Ubi Bersama Petai & Terung Pipit . Menu yg paling fav ni tau, kebetulan ada terung manggor aka terung pipit ni ha. Kalau buat ni kena masak nasi lebih hahhah kompom bertambah2 .. 😅 . Nurul nak ucapkan terima kasih utk yg sponsor task alumni reels bersama @Dhuna|SheKnows_Kitchen , Ya Allah tak sangka dapat pan idaman dari @Ecowin Cookware 😍😍😍 Love teruk!!! Ni sukatan bahan yg Nurul guna hr ni 🌻 1 ikat pucuk ubi (celur dan cuci bersih) 🌻 4-5 tangkai daun kesom 🌻 1 keping daun kunyit (racik halus) 🌻 1 kuntum bunga kantan (hiriskan juga) 🌻 2 papan petai (isinya aje) 🌻 Segenggam terung manggor/pipit (anggaran) 🌻 1/2 cawan tempoyak masam 🌻 1 batang serai (diketuk) 🌻 1/2 kotak kecil santan pekat (100ml) 🌻 1 cawan air 🌻 1 sdk serbuk kunyit 🌻 1 keping asam gelugor (jika kurang masam) Bahan Tumbuk 🌸 10-15 biji cili padi 🌸 Segenggam ikan bilis (cuci bersih) 🌸 1 sdk garam 📹 Cara masak boleh refer video Nurul ya .. tq pucukubi pucukubitempoyak # ##pucukubi#pucukubitempoyak#laukkampung#laukpauk#reseptiktok#masakankampung#malaysianfood#reelsclasswithdhunaJoget Pahang
Duration: 63 sPosted : Mon, 16 Oct 2023 02:28:18Views
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