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I grew up surrounded by a cult. Run by people who twisted Gods word for their own power. Claimed perfection and made others feel less because of it. Even though I wasn’t deep inside, the feeling of never being enough was evident in the congregation and something I struggled with so much so I almost completely walked away from my faith at 18. But here is the truth. You can be the leader of a massive church and still not know God. You can claim to have stood before the throne and not know him at all. No one is perfect. Everyone has sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. It’s his forgiveness and his love that raises us up. When you claim perfection and holiness, you have rejected who God is. You rejected his word, you are rejecting the chance of a relationship with him. We cannot seek Gods forgiveness if we don’t repent, if we do not know and claim that we have all fallen short of God’s glory. That it is God and God alone who raises us up. I’m watching God do what he says he would do. He brings the darkness into the light. It is not against the gospel that the sins of these people are being spoken about openly. Being exposed and brought forward no matter how much they try and hide it. Rather it is the Gospel that God is saving the ones they hurt by letting this be exposed. He goes after the one and leaves the 99. He is giving these men a chance at redemption, though they should never be put in a place of power again, I do believe they can still be forgiven, as the gospel preaches. He went out of his way to find me at one of the lowest points of my life. He can do it for anyone. And he can stop the enemy in his tracks no matter what he tries to do. #ihopkc #gospel #jesus #cult #religiouscult #cultstory #mikebickle #bobhartley #fyp #christian #ihopkcisacult #ihopkcleadership #storytime #vent #igrewupinacult
10 months ago
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