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🚘🍽️ TRADER JOE’S HACKS: LOW CARB CAR LUNCHES 🛒❤️ Tired of pulling through yet another drive-thru trying to make the best choice? I came up with these SUPER EASY + HEALTHY lunches from TJ’s ALL made and eaten in my car 🥰 Which one sounds the best to you? Comment and LMK! I really love them all, but have to say, the Buffalo Chicken Dip on the Cauliflower Slims is incredible and filling 😍 Egg Salad and Romaine Romaine hearts Egg Salad Tuna and Guacamole wraps Cauliflower Pizza Crust 1 can of solid white albacore tuna Guacamole to go Salad in a Bag Pomodoro Cremoso Salad Kit (toss the crouton packet) Genoa Salami & Provolone Cheese packet Buffalo chicken wraps Buffalo chicken Dip Celery Sticks Cauliflower Slims XO, Lora 🩷 CHECKOUT my website: for more! ➡️ @lorafied wherever you are! ⏱ TikTok 📺 YouTube 📌 Pinterest 👍 Facebook #LORAfied #traderjoeshacks#careating#traderjoesfoodreviews#tiktoktraderjoes#traderjoestiktok#lorafied#homemaker#foodhacks#traderjoeslove#lowcarbstyle#lowcarbketo#traderjoesmusthaves#traderjoeslife#carhacks#grabngo#cartips#carpeople#familycar#minivanmom#lowcarbeats#lowcarbfoodie#ketohacks#ketoeats#ketoonthego#traderjoeshaul#traderjoeslist#traderjoesfinds#ketogroceries#groceryhaul#cheapeats#costcofinds#savvyshopper#samsclub#targetrun#aldifinds#healthieroptions#homecooking#aldioriginal sound

Duration: 67 sPosted : Thu, 08 Feb 2024 17:21:49
















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🤯 DUPE + HACK🚨SAVE & SHARE THIS ONE‼️FIND AFFORDABLE DUPES 🛋️👗for just about anything without leaving your house! What are you currently looking for? I’ve been searching for a bed bench and this trick helped me find a fantastic dupe for a fraction of the price! ✳️ I am NOT connected to these folks, in fact they don’t even know I exist 😂 I just thought this was such a game changer I had to share 🤗 What would you like to find a dupe for? Comment and LMK! XO, Lora 🩷 CHECKOUT my website: for more! ➡️ @lorafied wherever you are! ⏱️ TikTok
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LORAfied | HACKS Home & Life
11 months ago
🛒❤️ TRADER JOES HACK: LOW CARB + 4 INGREDIENTS 🤩 CHICKEN CESAR PIZZA 🍗🥗🍕How many chicken Cesar salads have you eaten? I don’t even know how I’d begin to count 😂 This EASY + AFFORDABLE RECIPE is a fun take on an old favorite. I hope you love it as much as I do 🥰 Would you use the canned chicken? Comment and LMK! I think it’s a great pantry staple. 🤗 Chicken Crust 2 cans Trader Joe’s chicken (drained) or 20 oz of chopped chicken 2/3 cup Parmesan cheese 2 tsp. Italian seasoning, optional (My Magic Seasoning works here, too 🔗 in bio) 1 egg (I assumed you had one of these in your frig for this recipe 😉) Preheat oven to 375F Mix with blender, form round crust on parchment paper lined pizza stone or cookie sheet Bake 40 mins and cool Spread with layer of Trader Joe’s Garlic Spread (optional) Top with mixed bag of Trader Joe’s Cesar Salad mix (skip the croutons) XO, Lora Ps. A special thanks to @mamacookslowcarb for the inspo on this one! 🩷 CHECKOUT my website: for more! ➡️ @lorafied wherever you are! ⏱️ TikTok
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LORAfied | HACKS Home & Life
11 months ago
👩‍🍳🧺 1 WOMAN = 4 JOBS??? 🚘🛒 ARE YOU DOING TOO MUCH? I just can’t top thinking about this shocking article. I’m awful about asking or help, worried it will make me look “less than” in my husband Scooter’s eyes. Worried that if I actually say “I need help with X, Y or Z” I won’t look competent and will somehow appear less attractive to him. I realize how nutty this sounds, but I’m being completely candid, have you ever felt like this? This article was an EYE OPENER!! I’m going to start asking for help around here, how about you? Are you good about asking for help? How many people would it take to replace you? Comment and LMK! XO, Lora 🩷 CHECKOUT my website: for more! ➡️ @lorafied wherever you are! ⏱️ TikTok
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LORAfied | HACKS Home & Life
11 months ago
🛒❤️ COSTCO: STICKER SHOCK 💰😳 What NOT to Buy! Are you a Costco fan? I truly LOVE Costco, it’s like a outing instead of a chore 🤗 So many fun and sparkly new things grab your attention, which might explain why it’s hard tell if you’re getting the best deal. To be fair, Costco doesn’t advertise themselves as the best price in town, but for some reason, we’ve been trained to think everything there is a deal. While a lot of items are a big savings, there are some you’re better off grabbing at your local grocery store 😉 Which item was the most surprising to you? Comment and LMK! I was blown away buy the price of the chicken! XO, Lora 🩷 CHECKOUT my website: for more! ➡️ @lorafied wherever you are! ⏱️ TikTok
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LORAfied | HACKS Home & Life
11 months ago
🤩 FREE LIFE HACK 🤩 One of my FAV OF ALL TIME! Bonus: it’s also a nail saver 💅 How frustrated do you get when you can’t find the start of the tape? I know this sounds like a pretty small detail in the grand scheme of life, but honestly, once you try this you’re going to love it! No more tossing rolls you can’t find the start of or wasting all that tape when it splinters off going round and round making it un usable! Which type of tape do you use more of: Packing, gift wrapping, duct tape? Comment and LMK! We run through packing tape at an alarming rate over here…maybe because this has made it so easy to use 🤭 XO, Lora 🩷 CHECKOUT my website: for more! ➡️ @lorafied wherever you are! ⏱️ TikTok
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LORAfied | HACKS Home & Life
11 months ago

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