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Its only January but this is my 5th wishlist checked ✅ All started with @qawiyaro. He posted a video of him khatam quran while doing his tawaf. I thought to myself, why dont give it a try? Must have felt amazing to be able to do so. That inspired me to restart my reading to page 1. By the time i flew off to Madinah, im at juz 13. The whole experience was magnificent. I bring my quran everywhere with me, all the time. It’s so nice to read the Quran while surrounded with extremely beautiful view & spiritual environment. I read the Quran and at times I looked up, appreciating all of His creation. THAT feeling, i cant describe. Especially in Madinah. Madinah has a special place in my heart. Everything was perfect, to the point that I felt safe and peaceful there. Those whove been there would understand me. & alhamdulillah. I managed to khatam the day before i left Mekah, 25/1/2024. Allah yg Maha Baik. Berikan masa secukupnya for me to complete my reading there 🤍 May this inspire you as well 💌 I doakan semoga kita semua get to experience this, at least once in their lifetime. Semoga dijemput lagi dan lagi oleh Allah SWT. #madinah #mekah #umrah #khatam #quran #journey
Duration: 45 sPosted : Fri, 16 Feb 2024 00:15:19Views
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