Introduction: This is a tiktok video published by Dapur Cantik Channel. The video has now received more than 3.8K likes, 28 comments and 1.2K shares. It is deeply loved by fans. The following is the specific data and similar videos. Address, you can complete the operation on this page by clicking play or bookmarking the video.
Masih Hari Raya Lebaran Hari ke 2 💗 Menu Spesial SAMBAL GORENG DAGING SAPI Sedep & Guriih👍 cocok buat hidangan lebaran #sambalgoreng #sambalgorengdagingsapi #dagingsapi #resepdaging RESEP SAMBAL GORENG DAGING SAPI - 600gr daging sapi bagian kisi - 2ltr air - 500gr kentang baby - 50gr bawang merah - ½ btr pala - 5btr cengkeh - 25gr lengkuas - 2,5sdt garam - 2sdt ketumbar bubuk - 1sdt jinten bubuk - 2sdt kaldu jamur - 1sdt merica bubuk Bahan Yang Dihaluskan - 80gr bawang merah - 50gr bawang putih - 80gr cabe merah besar - 60gr cabe rawit merah - 2ruas kunyit - 25gr jahe - 2btg sereh Bahan Marinasi Daging Sapi - 1sdt ketumbar bubuk - ½ sdt pala parut - 1sdt garam - 1sdt merica bubuk - 3sdm air asam jawa - 3sdm gula merah Happy Cooking Dapur Cantik Channel #reseptiktok #masakanharian #fypシ
Duration: 85 sPosted : Thu, 11 Apr 2024 01:56:34Views
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