Introduction: This is a tiktok video published by aisyahhijanah. The video has now received more than 11.6K likes, 344 comments and 335 shares. It is deeply loved by fans. The following is the specific data and similar videos. Address, you can complete the operation on this page by clicking play or bookmarking the video.

Life changes, but not us. Have you ever thought "punyalah besar kuasa Allah sampai boleh berikan rasa sayang & benci". Also, He can take away the feelings without you realizing it Ada kata drpd seorang ustazah yg Aisyah jumpa, "kadang kita rasa kita sayang orang. Kita tak sanggup nak hilang orang tu. Tapi rupanya, Allah nak hantar sesuatu yg lebih sayangkan kita lagi" Be grateful for what you still have in life. Treasure the little things you have. Sometimes kita rasa susah nak accept the changes that occur in life. But, when we replace the 'unbelievable' episode to 'something that I should cherish more' episode, you'll see the difference You control your mind, and dont let your mind controls you. When your mind controls you, you'll easily get drowned by negative thoughts which can kill you. After all, do what makes you happy. Dont pressure yourself for things you arent happy doing @Alif Teega
Duration: 49 sPosted : Sun, 28 Apr 2024 09:59:12Views
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