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Syukur alhamdulillahJazakallah khair krn bagi stars&Komen.Pls sharekn gmbar² keluarny hasil kotoran dlm ur ear.Sesuai dr anak² umur 2tahun shga dewasa.IKUTI CARA YG BETUL.Titis smpi BTAKUNG PENUH,biar rendam lama². Slps tu,cuci dgn tisu & korek dgn cottn buds SBERSIHNYA.Ulangi hari² titis&rendam ye! *Original HQ AIR PUCUK HERBS* Syukur alhamdulillah... jazakallah khair krn bagi 5 stars & jika dah Cuba titis, hopefully dpt sharekn gambar² keluarnya hasil kotoran Dalam telinga... Alhamdulillah ... Insyaa Allah terbukti jadi! Sesuai diguna bagi peringkat dewasa dan kanak-kanak dari umur 2 tahun. Insyaa Allah, dpt membantu mslh Telinga Kita anggaran masa rendam 5 hingga 10 minit shj, Di antaranya; TELINGA BERNANAH/BERAIR MELELEH & BERBAU, GATAL GATAL TELINGA, LUKA KECIL BERDENGUNG/BERDESING, TERSUMBAT (EARWAX BANYAK), KURANG PENDENGARAN (EARWAX BLOCKING) Atau TAHI TELINGA KERAS SANGAT ☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️ (Kurang berbuih) Mohon sabar..rendam lama².. anggaran masa rendam lama lama dlm 30 minit ke arah 1 jam.. INSYAA ALLAH..TAHI TELINGA AKAN KELUAR!!* MENCUCI TELINGA KOTOR, DIMINTA RUJUK VIDEO UTK CARA PENGGUNAANNYA & PEMBERSIHAN TELINGA. Alhamdulillah syukur... Thanks for your choosing our products. Thank you again for lovely feedback & compliments. Percayalah, Yg bagi SIHAT SAKIT SEMBUH, semuanye dtg Dari Allah swt. Kita hanya berusaha+tawakal=berjaya. KINDLY CHAT IF ANYTHING & SHARE TO YOUR FAMILY MEMBERS & FRIENDS ABOUT OUR AIR PUCUK HERBS. *IMPORTANT REMINDER!!* For the *HARDNESS earwax*.. _ 1) Just dropped it till fully (like lakes), 2) Leave it (soaking) 30mins - 1hour & 3)Consistently do every day will come out with the miracle results!!! Insyaa Allah taala & be more patient. *No bubbles/ less bubbles* Sometimes will *heard the sound of "pop pop"*, maybe sometimes no sound Pop Pop but please don't worry... it's still working, affective to your *hardness earwax* Insyaa Allah taala. *About the normal earwax*.. _ Just dropped it till fully (like lakes), leave it (soaking) 5-10minutes & see the results!!! *Banyak berbuih* & Akan berbunyi *"pop pop" bertindak Balas* dgn tahi Telinga, Luka, BERNANAH, BERAIR MELELEH, BERBAU & masuk SERANGGA pun Akan keluar!!!! Wow subhanallah.. amazing!!! MILLION THANKS 💗😜 #infection#earaches#telingabernanahdanbau#telingaberkulat#telingaberair#telingabernanah#earwax#cleaningearwax#telingatersumbat#bersihkantelingaanak#bersihkantelinga#cucitelingadulu#cucitelingaselangor#cucitelinga#telinga#telinga#telingakotor#telingakotordibersihkan#earwaxremoval#ear#earpain#earpainrelief#earpainsolution#earwaxcleaning#earwaximpaction#earwaxirrigation#earproblems#earwaxsolution#korektelinga#ubatcairtahitelinga#ubattelinga#seranggamasuktelinga#nanahdalamtelinga#kulatdalamtelingaI Love You So
Duration: 280 sPosted : Fri, 07 Jun 2024 10:11:11Views
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