Steps: Peel the sage leaves or take small bits of the sage leaves and light them up. The dried leaves will catch fire. Burn for a couple of seconds, and then extinguish. Blow softly on the lit end until the bundle begins to glow and produce smoke. Place it in the sage box and cover the lid. Must make sure the fire is put out already. Only smoke rising. |SG| White Sage from California, USA Size: 18cm Weight: 90g - 95g Thickness: 4.5cm to 5cm (Approximate measurements) White Sage is a flowering perennial that is native to the Southwest U.S. Its tall woody stems and tiny white flowers love dry, arid slopes with lots of sun, and flourish in the rocky heights of the southwestern canyons. The aromatic herb has been used for centuries as incense and in smudge pots for ceremonial use, thus its common name of white ceremonial sage. White Sage is know to have antimicrobial properties. This means they can keep infectious bacteria, viruses, and fungi at bay. Method to use White Sage: The easiest and most popular way is to burn the dried leaves. This ritual is known as sage smudging – and it’s practiced by burning a bundle of dried sage and then directing the smoke onto the areas that you want to clear or protect. As the bundle is burning and the smoke spirals, wafts, and begins to fill a space. This is known as cleansing. As you are burning White Sage, it’s important to express gratitude for the help of the plants spirit as well as to express your intention for why you are burning sage in the first place. Benefits of smudging White Sage: • purify the air in your home • removing bacteria from the air • repelling insects • improving intuition • cleanse crystal • improving mood • reducing stress and anxiety Please take note that all-natural sage products are placed in plastic bags for easier transportation. They are not intended to be kept in plastic bags. To prevent mold please keep them in room temperature; not in extreme temperatures; and not in sealed packages. #crystalgalore #crystals #crystalhealing #crystallove #healingcrystals #crystal #crystalcollection #igsg #sgig #igdaily #photooftheday #positivevibes #crystaladdict #singaporecrystal #hedgehog #hedgehogcrystal #sgbusiness #supportlocalsg #crystalhedgies #crystalsg #crystalsingapore #crystaldecor #crystalcollector #crystalcollecting #crystaldecoration #crystalhomedecor #crystalobsession #crystalporn #sgcrystals #sgcrystal