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Introduction: This is a tiktok hashtag called Idea 10.
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Top 50 Hot Videos (Idea 10)
These Easy S’mores Bars are the gooey marshmallow chocolate treat you need to try. A Graham cracker cookie base piled high with marshmallow fluff, chocolate and more cookies making for the perfect dessert, no campfire needed! Recipe up on the blog #preppykitchen #baker #recipevideo #chocolate #smores
John Kanell
1 years ago
This Incredible Carrot Cake is a must make dessert for Easter. Full of warming spices, crunchy pecans and lots of carrot in a delicate brown sugar cake and wrapped in a luscious cream cheese frosting. It’s delicious every time and one of my family’s favorites. Recipe up on the blog! 👉 link in bio👈 #preppykitchen #baker #recipevideo
John Kanell
9 months ago
Pasta Chicken Alfredo ➡️Alfredo Soße 50g Butter 5 Knoblauchzehen 200ml Sahne 125g Mascarpone 100g Parmesan Pasta Wasser Salz Pfeffer Chiliflocken Italienische Kräuter ➡️Parmesan Crusted Chicken 2 Stk. Hähnchenbrust (4 Stk. Schnitzel) Salz Pfeffer 1 Ei 50g Mehl 100g Cornflakes 4 El Parmesan 3 El Petersilie 200g Olivenöl #chickenalfredo #chickenalfredopasta
Essen Paradies
11 months ago
Si quieres conocer cuál es el alimento más mortal, tienes que ver este video ⚠️ Seguramente está en tu alacena y en los restaurantes que visitas, ¿tienes alguna idea de cuál es? Te doy algunas pistas: este alimento lleva una sobrecarga de omega 6, puede causar inflamación en diferentes órganos del cuerpo, genera resistencia a la insulina y también causa enfermedades cardiovasculares #salud #DrRobeJose #medicina #estudiosdesangre
Roberto José
1 years ago
Tarte tomates cerises croustillantes 🍅 Mon premier ebook dédié au rééquilibrage alimentaire est enfin disponible, il se compose de 35 recettes saines et gourmandes ainsi que de 6 semaines de menus équilibrés + listes de courses ! Tu le trouves en cliquant sur mon lien dans ma bio 🫶 ÉQUILIBRE ALIMENTAIRE : 🍳Protéine : viande, poisson, oeuf ou protéines végétales (à rajouter) 🥧Féculent : feuilles de brick 🥗Légumes : tomates 🧀Produit laitier : fromage frais nature 🍎Termine par un fruit frais INGRÉDIENTS 4 personnes : * 6 à 8 feuilles de brick * 200g fromage frais nature * 400g tomates cerises * Sel, poivre * 1 burrata crémeuse * 1 cuillère miel * Huile d’olive ENJOY❤️ ________ Zoé - Diététicienne Nutritionniste #gourmand #ideerecette #diététique #diététicienne #tartetomates
1 years ago
“Emi you can give me a boost.” - 3 yr old Teddy said to his cousin-sibling Emi Sue. . Honestly, tears started streaming down my face as I wrote this caption. This moment took my breath away… it truly hit me watching this unfold that we’ve made it to the other side of a crisis and upheaval of life that I wasn’t sure 2 years ago we would survive. Many of you are new here and may not know this back story. Emi & Teddy aren’t twins, they are cousins who are 6 months apart in age. Cousins who 2 years ago were thrown with no warning or preparation into twin like sibling-hood. The circumstance of becoming Teddy’s guardians was the hardest thing we have faced as a family. . Anyone who has experienced kinship caregiving, fostering, legal guardianship, or adopting knows what I’m talking about. It is rarely a simple matter. It’s more complex emotionally, logistically, financially, than I could ever have imagined. The details of Emi, Teddy, and Elliot’s story is theirs to share if they choose. So I may speak vaguely about it. My experience I’m open to sharing in hopes of contributing to a community of support. Teddy’s mother, my sister, has been in ongoing crisis, coping with an addiction and mental illness. The part not many people talk about is the trauma all kids involved experience in these situations. I’ve watched my family, each of us, start to crumble from the stress and then slowly build back up with love and support from each other, and from a handful of very special people in our lives especially including Teddy’s co-guardians Kama & Nate, while he calls us “Mama” “Papa”, they are his “Mom” “Dad”. To see Emi & Teddy today support each other in this way, to communicate from a place of love and patience, means more to me anything. It means I can say something even 8 months ago I couldn’t- we are going to be okay. #family #foster #kinshipcare #guardianship #connected #community
1 years ago
💥💥💥 Estos huevos son una idea económica y sencilla para tu día a día. ¡SÍGUEME Y NO TE PIERDAS MIS RECETAS FÁCILES ❤️! ¡GRACIAS! Receta de HUEVOS CON CARNE: INGREDIENTES: 6 huevos 400 g de carne picada de cerdo y ternera 400 g de tomate triturado 1 cebolla 2 zanahorias 2 dientes de ajo 150 g de queso rallado Aceite de oliva Sal y pimienta Pimentón Orégano ELABORACIÓN: Cuece los huevos durante 12 minutos. Enfría y pélalos. En una sartén con un chorrito de aceite cocina la cebolla, la zanahoria y los dientes de ajo todo bien picadito y con una pizca de sal hasta que tomen color dorado. Añade la carne picada y salpimenta al gusto. Cocina hasta que cambie de color y vierte el tomate triturado. Cuece a fuego lento durante 10 minutos. Corta los huevos cocidos por la mitad a lo largo y colócalos con la yema hacia abajo sobre la carne. Espolvorea con pimentón, queso rallado y orégano y tapa. Cocina a fuego lento durante 10 minutos o hasta que el queso esté derretido. #huevosconcarne #annarecetasfaciles #aprendeentiktok
Anna Teres
1 years ago
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These Easy S’mores Bars are the gooey marshmallow chocolate treat you need to try. A Graham cracker cookie base piled high with marshmallow fluff, chocolate and more cookies making for the perfect dessert, no campfire needed! Recipe up on the blog #preppykitchen #baker #recipevideo #chocolate #smores
John Kanell
1 years ago
This Incredible Carrot Cake is a must make dessert for Easter. Full of warming spices, crunchy pecans and lots of carrot in a delicate brown sugar cake and wrapped in a luscious cream cheese frosting. It’s delicious every time and one of my family’s favorites. Recipe up on the blog! 👉 link in bio👈 #preppykitchen #baker #recipevideo
John Kanell
9 months ago
Pasta Chicken Alfredo ➡️Alfredo Soße 50g Butter 5 Knoblauchzehen 200ml Sahne 125g Mascarpone 100g Parmesan Pasta Wasser Salz Pfeffer Chiliflocken Italienische Kräuter ➡️Parmesan Crusted Chicken 2 Stk. Hähnchenbrust (4 Stk. Schnitzel) Salz Pfeffer 1 Ei 50g Mehl 100g Cornflakes 4 El Parmesan 3 El Petersilie 200g Olivenöl #chickenalfredo #chickenalfredopasta
Essen Paradies
11 months ago
Si quieres conocer cuál es el alimento más mortal, tienes que ver este video ⚠️ Seguramente está en tu alacena y en los restaurantes que visitas, ¿tienes alguna idea de cuál es? Te doy algunas pistas: este alimento lleva una sobrecarga de omega 6, puede causar inflamación en diferentes órganos del cuerpo, genera resistencia a la insulina y también causa enfermedades cardiovasculares #salud #DrRobeJose #medicina #estudiosdesangre
Roberto José
1 years ago
Tarte tomates cerises croustillantes 🍅 Mon premier ebook dédié au rééquilibrage alimentaire est enfin disponible, il se compose de 35 recettes saines et gourmandes ainsi que de 6 semaines de menus équilibrés + listes de courses ! Tu le trouves en cliquant sur mon lien dans ma bio 🫶 ÉQUILIBRE ALIMENTAIRE : 🍳Protéine : viande, poisson, oeuf ou protéines végétales (à rajouter) 🥧Féculent : feuilles de brick 🥗Légumes : tomates 🧀Produit laitier : fromage frais nature 🍎Termine par un fruit frais INGRÉDIENTS 4 personnes : * 6 à 8 feuilles de brick * 200g fromage frais nature * 400g tomates cerises * Sel, poivre * 1 burrata crémeuse * 1 cuillère miel * Huile d’olive ENJOY❤️ ________ Zoé - Diététicienne Nutritionniste #gourmand #ideerecette #diététique #diététicienne #tartetomates
1 years ago
“Emi you can give me a boost.” - 3 yr old Teddy said to his cousin-sibling Emi Sue. . Honestly, tears started streaming down my face as I wrote this caption. This moment took my breath away… it truly hit me watching this unfold that we’ve made it to the other side of a crisis and upheaval of life that I wasn’t sure 2 years ago we would survive. Many of you are new here and may not know this back story. Emi & Teddy aren’t twins, they are cousins who are 6 months apart in age. Cousins who 2 years ago were thrown with no warning or preparation into twin like sibling-hood. The circumstance of becoming Teddy’s guardians was the hardest thing we have faced as a family. . Anyone who has experienced kinship caregiving, fostering, legal guardianship, or adopting knows what I’m talking about. It is rarely a simple matter. It’s more complex emotionally, logistically, financially, than I could ever have imagined. The details of Emi, Teddy, and Elliot’s story is theirs to share if they choose. So I may speak vaguely about it. My experience I’m open to sharing in hopes of contributing to a community of support. Teddy’s mother, my sister, has been in ongoing crisis, coping with an addiction and mental illness. The part not many people talk about is the trauma all kids involved experience in these situations. I’ve watched my family, each of us, start to crumble from the stress and then slowly build back up with love and support from each other, and from a handful of very special people in our lives especially including Teddy’s co-guardians Kama & Nate, while he calls us “Mama” “Papa”, they are his “Mom” “Dad”. To see Emi & Teddy today support each other in this way, to communicate from a place of love and patience, means more to me anything. It means I can say something even 8 months ago I couldn’t- we are going to be okay. #family #foster #kinshipcare #guardianship #connected #community
1 years ago
💥💥💥 Estos huevos son una idea económica y sencilla para tu día a día. ¡SÍGUEME Y NO TE PIERDAS MIS RECETAS FÁCILES ❤️! ¡GRACIAS! Receta de HUEVOS CON CARNE: INGREDIENTES: 6 huevos 400 g de carne picada de cerdo y ternera 400 g de tomate triturado 1 cebolla 2 zanahorias 2 dientes de ajo 150 g de queso rallado Aceite de oliva Sal y pimienta Pimentón Orégano ELABORACIÓN: Cuece los huevos durante 12 minutos. Enfría y pélalos. En una sartén con un chorrito de aceite cocina la cebolla, la zanahoria y los dientes de ajo todo bien picadito y con una pizca de sal hasta que tomen color dorado. Añade la carne picada y salpimenta al gusto. Cocina hasta que cambie de color y vierte el tomate triturado. Cuece a fuego lento durante 10 minutos. Corta los huevos cocidos por la mitad a lo largo y colócalos con la yema hacia abajo sobre la carne. Espolvorea con pimentón, queso rallado y orégano y tapa. Cocina a fuego lento durante 10 minutos o hasta que el queso esté derretido. #huevosconcarne #annarecetasfaciles #aprendeentiktok
Anna Teres
1 years ago
Corn fritters from 🇮🇩! When I tasted them in their homeland I knew I would have to try make it myself once I got back because it’s just so good. I’m all about the series and the formats when it comes to my videos but I really enjoy just putting out videos like these that don’t necessarily fall into a category, they’re just random recipes from the world 🌍 The recipe is in the link in bio (also for the Sambal Matabele, which is a raw sambal from Bali), try it out for yourself 😋 #fyp #tiktokfood
Mattia’s Table
1 years ago
🥟 CURRIED GYOZA LAKSA 🍜 it’s cold, wet & windy outside, so start your soup season right with this warming bowl of dumpling noodle soup… a laksa broth packed with the heartiest, most comforting flavours, topped with juicy @itsu gyoza + greens | AD the full written recipe can be found below - enjoy ❤️ INGREDIENTS (serves 4) 1x bag of itsu vegetable fusion gyoza 4x garlic cloves 1x large shallot 1x knob of ginger 200g laksa paste (or red curry paste) 1tsp each of turmeric, ground cumin + ground coriander OPTIONAL: 1tsp each of miso paste, peanut butter, tamarind + gochujang paste 400ml coconut milk 1l vegetable stock 1tbsp soy sauce 1x lime 1tbsp sugar 1tbsp sesame oil 300g each tenderstem broccoli + green beans 400g rice noodles Salt Pepper TO GARNISH: 1x red chilli Bunch of spring onions Bunch of fresh coriander 1tbsp sesame seeds each METHOD 1. Dice the shallot, mince the garlic + ginger, then fry in sesame oil until fragrant (5 mins) 2. Add the laksa paste, and cook out for 5 mins. 3. Add the dried spices + cook for a further minute. 4. Pour in the coconut milk + simmer for 5 mins. 5. For extra flavour, mix the miso, peanut butter, tamarind, gochujang + soy sauce, then add. 6. Season with the juice of a lime, 1tbsp sugar + a crack of black pepper. Simmer for 10-15 minutes. 7. Cook the the veg in the broth until tender, then add the vegetable fusion gyoza + cook for 2-3 minutes. 8. Prepare the rice noodles + garnishes 9. Place the noodles in a bowl, cover in the laksa broth, then top with the gyoza + greens. 10. Finish with the garnishes + enjoy! #itsu #eatbeautiful #gyoza #laksa #dumplings #noodlesoup #soupseason #soupdumplings
1 years ago
Receta de PALITOS DE CALABACÍN: INGREDIENTES: 1 calabacín 2 huevos L 150 g de pan rallado 50 g de queso grana padano rallado Sal y pimienta 1 cucharadita de ajo en polvo 1 cucharadita de orégano ELABORACIÓN: 1. Corta el calabacín en palitos del mismo tamaño aproximadamente y salpimenta al gusto. 2. Mezcla el pan rallado con el ajo en polvo, el orégano y el queso. 3. Pasa los palitos de calabacín por el pan rallado, seguidamente por el huevo batido y de nuevo por el pan rallado. 4. Colócalos en una bandeja con papel de horno y hornea a 220º C - 428º F durante 20 minutos o hasta que estén dorados. #palitosdecalabacín #annarecetasfaciles #aprendeentiktok
Anna Teres
1 years ago
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