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Introduction: This is a tiktok hashtag called veggie.
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Thank you to Winn-Dixie for throwing out a case of tomatoes 🍅! Now we have spaghetti sauce😁! #canning #waterbath #tomatoes #food #trashfind #veg #veggie #farm #funnyfarm #thefunnyfarm #farmtok #farmer #momfarmer #family #learn #teach #grow #do #diy #howto #howtotiktok #kitchen #farmhouse #farmhousekitchen #kitchen #happy #self #selfsufficient #momdaughter #duo #ball #prepare #preserve #christian #christiantiktok
Sarah Snider
2 years ago
UN CLÁSICO, a otro nivel: Tortilla de Espinaca Rellena 🌿🥰 • En casa, mi vieja siempre suele hacer tortilla de espinaca como acompañamiento y es algo que realmente me gusta mucho. Es por eso, que esta vez decidí darle una vuelta de rosca y sumarle mis toques 🙌🏻 • 𝕀𝕟𝕘𝕣𝕖𝕕𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕤: • 2/3 Atados de Espinaca 🌿 • 1 Cebolla Blanca 🧅 • 3 Huevos 🥚 • 1cdita de Sal, Pimienta, Ajo en Polvo y Nuez Moscada 🧂 • OPCIONAL: Una taza de arroz cocido que te haya sobrado del otro día 😂 • 100gr Queso Mozzarella 🧀 • Unos champignones salteados 🍄 • 50gr Queso Parmesano Rallado 🧀 • #tortilla #veggie #queso
1 years ago
Borani Banjan 🇦🇫 | 🇩🇪&🇬🇧Recipe ⬇️ Slice -2-3 eggplants fry them until golden brown and set aside. Sauté - 4 cloves garlic And then add -2 tbsp tomato paste -2 tomatoes, diced -Seasoning: Salt, to taste 1/2 tsp Black pepper 1/2 tsp turmeric Let it cook for 5 mins on high temperature until soft. then add The fried eggplants, -1 onion, sliced (optional) -2-3 green chilli peppers -1 tomato, sliced Cover the pan and let it simmer for 20 mins on medium-low. In the meantime prepare the sauce by combining: -1 cup soy yogurt -1 galic clove When the eggplant is done, spread some of the sauce on the serving dish, add the eggplant mix on top with more yogurt. Sprinkle some try mint and chili flakes and garnish with fresh parsley. Serve with rice or naan and enjoy :) Deutsch: Schneide -2-3 Auberginen in Scheiben und frittiere sie goldbraun. Stelle sie beiseite. Brate -4 Knoblauchzehen In reichlich Öl an und gib dann -2 EL Tomatenmark, -2 gewürfelte Tomaten -Gewürze (Salz nach Geschmack, 1/2 TL schwarzer Pfeffer, 1/2 TL Kurkuma) hinzu. Lasse es bei hoher Temperatur 5 Minuten kochen, bis alles weich ist. Gib dann die frittierten Auberginen, -1 Zwiebel (optional), ringe -2-3 grüne Chilischoten -2 Tomaten, in Scheiben geschnitten hinzu. Bedecke die Pfanne und lasse alles bei mittlerer Hitze 20 Minuten köcheln. Für die Soße -1 Tasse Soja-Joghurt 1 Knoblauchzehe, gehackt Vermengen. Wenn die Auberginen fertig sind, verteile etwas von der Sauce auf dem Servierteller, gib die Auberginenmischung darauf und garniere sie mit mehr Joghurt, getrockneter Minze und Chiliflocken sowie frischer Petersilie. Serviere das Gericht mit Reis oder Naan und genieße es! ⠀ #veganmeal #veggierecipes #afghanfood #vegan #veggie #veganrecipes #veganessen #afghan #veganpower #afghanisches #afghanistan #vegetarianrecipe #boranibanjan #plantbasedfood #veganfood #veganrecipe #veganerezepte #veganfoodie #centralasian #veganlunch #vegetarianrecipes #eggplant #vegancomfortfood #veganessen #aubergine #persianvegans #veganerezepte #vegandinner #vegan #persianfood #afghan #afghanistan #afghanistan🇦🇫 #afghanboy #afghantiktok #afghanfood #afghanfoods1 #afghanfood🇦🇫 #afghanfoods #afghanrecipe #afghanrecipes #afghanischessen🇦🇫
Ahmad Noori
1 years ago
Habt ihr jemals solche Kohlrouladen gegessen? 😋 Wir haben Kohlrouladen mit grünen Linsen, Bulgur, Reis und Walnüssen zubereitet, was euch das Fleisch nicht vermissen lässt, und dessen Geschmack ihr sicher lieben werdet 🥬 Besonders das Backen im Ofen und der Knoblauchjoghurt, den wir darüber gegossen haben, verstärken den Geschmack um ein Vielfaches 🔥 Have you ever eaten cabbage rolls like this? 😋 We have prepared cabbage rolls with green lentils, bulgur, rice and walnuts, which won't make you miss the meat and whose taste you will surely love 🥬 Especially the baking in the oven and the garlic yogurt that we poured over it enhances the taste immensely 🔥 Lahana sarmasının böylesini hiç yediniz mi? 😋 Yeşil mercimekli, bulgurlu, pirinçli, cevizli, içinde hiç eti aratmayacak ve tadına bayılacağınız bir lahana sarması yaptık 🥬 Özellikle fırınlanması ve üzerine döktüğümüz sarımsaklı yoğurt lezzetini katbekat artırdı 🔥 #sarma #lahanasarması #cabbagerolls #cabbage #kohlrouladen #lahana #yemek #food #kochen #dolma #foodie #yummy #tasty #simplerecipe #schnellerezepte #vegan #veggie #veganuary
Ümit Memisoglu
1 years ago
TORTA DI PATATE, economica, croccante, cremosa dentro, perfetta anche per chi è intollerante al glutine perché non contiene farina e se si scelgono gli ingredienti giusti può essere pure vegana. Ed è spettacolare. Solo tanti pro per questa ricetta delle mie zone che mi ha insegnato a fare ancora mia nonna ❤️.Davvero, abbinatela con ciò che amate (da noi quasi sempre con salumi, formaggi locali, cavolo cappuccio al cumino, fagioli con la cipolla e pure la confettura di mirtillo rosso). Per una cena autunnale coi fiocchi vi consiglio fortemente di salvarvela. Vi lascio le dosi per una teglia da 25 x 35 cm. Ovviamente se la vostra fosse più piccola o più grande aumentate o diminuite le dosi per avere uno spessore perfetto. La teglia mi raccomando antiaderente. • 1600 g di patate (molto importante che siano a pasta bianca, come la varietà kennebec, o a buccia rossa, chiedetele al vostro fruttivendolo, se non sono giuste la torta tende a diventare collosa) • 100 ml di latte o acqua • Sale e pepe • Strutto o olio (anche extra vergine) • Se vi piace anche 2 o 3 cucchiai di formaggio grattugiato nell'impasto Cuocete la torta in forno statico a 220 gradi (o a 200 se ventilato) per circa 1 ora-1 ora e 15 nella parte più bassa del forno (deve toccare proprio la base del forno) fino a quando la base della torta risulta bella dorata, poi spostatela nella parte alta per dotare leggermente anche la superficie. Servitela bollente, capovolta <3 #tortadipatate #patate #potato #pie #potatoes #patata #patatas #trentino #montagna #novembre #ricettafacile #ricettadelgiorno #economico #facile #veloce #veggie #davidezambelli #vegan #glutenfree #autunno #pioggia #freddo #inverno #montagna #cena #pranzo #domenica
Davide Zambelli
1 years ago
Alles was du brauchst: Blumenkohl Pizzasauce/Tomatensauce Mozzarella Olivenöl Paniermehl Salz und Pfeffer Ptetersilie Den Blumenkohl waschen und das Grün entfernen. Aus den Blumenkohl ca. 1 cm dicke Scheiben schneiden und mit Olivenöl bepinseln. Die Scheiben einmal im Paniermehl wenden, auf ein Backblech legen und bei 200 Grad Celsius Umluft für 15 Minuten backen. Auf die vorgebackenen Scheiben etwas Tomatensauce geben, mit Salz und Peffer würzen und den Mozzarella drüber streuen. Für weitere 10 Minuten bei 200 Grad Celsius Umluft backen. Die Backzeit kann je nach Ofen variieren. Mit Petersilie anrichten und genießen! 🇬🇧 Everything you need: Cauliflower Pizza sauce/tomato sauce Mozzarella Olive oil Breadcrumbs Salt and pepper Ptetersilie Wash the cauliflower and remove the greens. Cut about 1 cm thick slices from the cauliflower and brush with olive oil. Turn the slices once in breadcrumbs, place them on a baking sheet and bake at 200 degrees Celsius for 15 minutes. Add some tomato sauce to the pre-baked slices, season with salt and pepper and sprinkle the mozzarella over it. Bake for another 10 minutes at 200 degrees Celsius convection. The baking time can vary depending on the oven. Serve with parsley and enjoy! #rezepte #recipe #food #cauliflower #steaks #schnellerezepte #einfacherrezepte #foodchallenge #tiktokfood #schnellesessen #schnelleküche #brotzeit #kochen #essen #abendessen #gesundessen #veggie
1 years ago
If you've purchased weighted or bagged produce from @Walmart in the last six years, you may be eligible for part of a $45 million settlement. The class action lawsuit, which shoppers have until June 5 to submit a claim for, comes after the retailer had been overcharging customers for these products. #walmart #lawsuit #produce #fruit #fruits #vegetable #vegetables #veggie #veggies #crop #crops #food #settlement #customer #customers #consumer #consumernews #news #fyp #foryoupage #abc7news
ABC7 News
1 years ago
anzeige 😁 WER KANN BESSER KOCHEN⁉️ Eltern Edition, denn iglo hat uns herausgefordert. Als Eltern suchen wir für unsere kleine Familie regelmäßig Wege das gemeinsame Familienessen kreativ, bunt und abwechslungsreich zu gestalten. Mit iglo Green Cuisine ist das möglich und unsere Ideen sind doch ganz witzig geworden oder⁉️ Habt ihr andere Rezepte oder Rezeptideen für Familien? Sagt gerne Bescheid und vielleicht kochen wir sie dann auch mal nach. 😍❤️ #familie #familienleben #eltern #elternmomente #kochenmitliebe #kochenfürkinder #dinosaurier #kochen #foodtok #essen #koch #chefkoch #kochduell #iglo #greencuisine #vegan #veggie #rezepte
Onkel Banjou
1 years ago
Pupusas | Recipe⬇️ Ingredients: For the masa dough: * 2 cups masa harina (corn flour for tortillas) * 1 1/4 cups warm water * 1/2 teaspoon salt For the filling: * Vegan cheese (grated) * Cooked seasoned black beans (or refried beans) * Chopped sautéed vegetables (bell peppers, onions, zucchini, etc.) Instructions: * Prepare the Masa Dough: * In a large bowl, combine the masa harina and salt. * Gradually pour in the warm water while mixing with your hands. Knead until the dough becomes smooth and slightly moist. Adjust water or masa harina as needed. * Cover the dough with a damp cloth and let it rest for 15-20 minutes. This allows the masa to hydrate and become more pliable. * Form the Pupusas: * Take a small handful of dough and roll it into a ball about the size of a golf ball. * Flatten the dough ball slightly and use your thumb to create an indentation in the center. * Place a spoonful of your chosen filling (vegan cheese, beans, sautéed vegetables) into the indentation. * Carefully fold the edges of the dough over the filling, sealing it to create a stuffed ball. * Gently flatten and pat the ball into a round disc, approximately 1/2 inch thick. * Cook the Pupusas: * Preheat a non-stick skillet or griddle over medium heat. * Place the pupusas onto the hot surface and cook for about 4-5 minutes on each side. You're looking for a golden brown color and a crispy texture. * Serve: * Transfer the cooked pupusas to a plate. You can serve them immediately while they're warm. * Accompany with optional sauces or sides, such as tomato sauce or salsa. #pupus #pupusas #pupusassalvadoreñas #pupusasforyou #pupusassalvadoreñas🇸🇻 #pupusaslocas #veganpupusas #stuffedflatbread #veganmeal #veggierecipes #veganerezepte #asianfood #vegan #veggie #veganrecipes #pancake #pupusas #placinta #veganessen #veganes #vegetarianrecipe #veganmealprep #plantbasedfood #veganlunch #veganfood #veganrecipe #pupusa #veganfoodie #veganfoodporn #veganlunch #vegetarianrecipes #flatbread #vegancomfortfood #vegetarian #veganeernährung #stuffedbread #easyveganmeals #vegandinner
Ahmad Noori
1 years ago
ESPECIAL PARA UNA PICADITA: Unos panes rellenos, versión fácil, crocantes por fuera y llenos de sabor por dentro! 🤤💘 • A la hora de hacer una picadita, siempre suele haber los mismos ingredientes básicos: quesito, salame, jamón, etc… Que mejor que sumarle estos pancitos con el Yogurt sabor natural de Yogurisimo Argentina 🙌🏼 Te van a encantar, le das un toque extra y suman muuucho para esa picada🤤 • Vas a necesitar: - Cabeza de ajo 🧄 - Cebolla blanca y morada 🧅 - Zanahoria 🥕 - Perejil 🌿 - 1 cda Queso crema - 1 cda Yogurisimo sabor natural - Quesito 🧀 - Sal y pimienta 🧂 • - 300 gr Harina Leudante 🌾 - 1 pote de Yogurisimo sabor natural (te guardas una cucharadita de ese pote para el relleno!) - Sal y pimienta 🧂 • Probá esta receta y vas a ver que te va a encantar! Y además, podes rellenarlo con lo que más te guste! En este caso, yo lo hice veggie pero podes hacerle también un rico relleno de carne 🥩 • #pan #verdura #receta #veggie
1 years ago
LA ENTRADA PARA TU PRÓXIMA CENA: Estos buñuelos de vegetales súper sabrosos! 🥕🧅 • 𝕀𝕟𝕘𝕣𝕖𝕕𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕤: • 1 Zanahoria Mediana 🥕 • 1 Cebolla Blanca o Morada 🧅 • 1 Diente de Ajo Picado 🧄 • 1 Puñado de Perejil Picado 🌿 • 1 Puñado de Queso Parmesano 🧀 • 3 Huevos 🥚 • 1cdita de Sal, Pimienta y Nuez Moscada 🧂 • 4 o 5cdas de Harina Leudante 🌾 • c/n Aceite de Girasol Natura • 𝕊𝕒𝕝𝕤𝕚𝕥𝕒: • 3cdas de Mayonesa Natura • 1cdita de Queso Crema • Ralladura y Jugo de 1/2 Limón 🍋 • 1 Diente de Ajo 🧄 • 1 Puñado de Perejil 🌿 • 1cdita de Sal, Pimienta y Pimentón Ahumado🧂 • Es algo súper fácil de hacer, rápido y es algo que le gusta a todo el mundo! Sorprende a tus amigos o familiares con esto que les va a encantar 🥰 • #buñuelos #veggie #natura
1 years ago
vegetable prepping for the week asmr 🥒🍅 this vegetable chopper is on sale at the moment 🤍 #satisfying #mealprep #asmr #relaxing #musthaves #gadget #veggie #vegetablechopper #tiktokshop #tiktokmademebuyit #inspo #productivity #motivation #foodtiktok #kitchenhacks #kitchengadgets #lifehack #kitchenware #kitchenorganization #fridgeorganization #fridgerestock
selina’s home
2 years ago
BUCATINI AL BROCCOLO ARRIMINATO @Nonna Razia è finalmente tornata, e anche questa volta ci ha preparato un primo piatto tipico della tradizione siciliana: bucatini al broccolo arriminato 😍 e tu, li hai mai mangiati? 🔥 🕐Tempo di preparazione: 10 minuti 🕐Tempo di cottura: 1 ora 😊Difficoltà: Facile 🍽Dosi: Per 2 persone 🤑Costo: Basso Ingredienti: Broccolo, 400 g circa; Bucatini, 240 g; Cipolla dorata, 1; Pinoli,1 cucchiaio; Uva passa, 1 cucchiaio; Pangrattato, 40 g; Peperoncino, q.b. ; Olio, q.b. ; Sale, q.b. ; Pepe nero, q.b. Consigli: Esistono tante varietà di broccoli, puoi utilizzare quello che ti piace di più, io ho usato quello siciliano. Puoi sostituire i bucatini con spaghetti, spaghettoni o linguine. Puoi omettere il peperoncino. - #ChefinCamicia #AmazingFood #GoodFood #ItalianFood #RicetteSemplici #Pasta #Bucatini #Broccoli #BroccoloArriminato #RicettedellaNonna #Nonna #Veg #Veggie #Vegenuary #CucinaConTikTok
1 years ago
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Thank you to Winn-Dixie for throwing out a case of tomatoes 🍅! Now we have spaghetti sauce😁! #canning #waterbath #tomatoes #food #trashfind #veg #veggie #farm #funnyfarm #thefunnyfarm #farmtok #farmer #momfarmer #family #learn #teach #grow #do #diy #howto #howtotiktok #kitchen #farmhouse #farmhousekitchen #kitchen #happy #self #selfsufficient #momdaughter #duo #ball #prepare #preserve #christian #christiantiktok
Sarah Snider
2 years ago
UN CLÁSICO, a otro nivel: Tortilla de Espinaca Rellena 🌿🥰 • En casa, mi vieja siempre suele hacer tortilla de espinaca como acompañamiento y es algo que realmente me gusta mucho. Es por eso, que esta vez decidí darle una vuelta de rosca y sumarle mis toques 🙌🏻 • 𝕀𝕟𝕘𝕣𝕖𝕕𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕤: • 2/3 Atados de Espinaca 🌿 • 1 Cebolla Blanca 🧅 • 3 Huevos 🥚 • 1cdita de Sal, Pimienta, Ajo en Polvo y Nuez Moscada 🧂 • OPCIONAL: Una taza de arroz cocido que te haya sobrado del otro día 😂 • 100gr Queso Mozzarella 🧀 • Unos champignones salteados 🍄 • 50gr Queso Parmesano Rallado 🧀 • #tortilla #veggie #queso
1 years ago
Borani Banjan 🇦🇫 | 🇩🇪&🇬🇧Recipe ⬇️ Slice -2-3 eggplants fry them until golden brown and set aside. Sauté - 4 cloves garlic And then add -2 tbsp tomato paste -2 tomatoes, diced -Seasoning: Salt, to taste 1/2 tsp Black pepper 1/2 tsp turmeric Let it cook for 5 mins on high temperature until soft. then add The fried eggplants, -1 onion, sliced (optional) -2-3 green chilli peppers -1 tomato, sliced Cover the pan and let it simmer for 20 mins on medium-low. In the meantime prepare the sauce by combining: -1 cup soy yogurt -1 galic clove When the eggplant is done, spread some of the sauce on the serving dish, add the eggplant mix on top with more yogurt. Sprinkle some try mint and chili flakes and garnish with fresh parsley. Serve with rice or naan and enjoy :) Deutsch: Schneide -2-3 Auberginen in Scheiben und frittiere sie goldbraun. Stelle sie beiseite. Brate -4 Knoblauchzehen In reichlich Öl an und gib dann -2 EL Tomatenmark, -2 gewürfelte Tomaten -Gewürze (Salz nach Geschmack, 1/2 TL schwarzer Pfeffer, 1/2 TL Kurkuma) hinzu. Lasse es bei hoher Temperatur 5 Minuten kochen, bis alles weich ist. Gib dann die frittierten Auberginen, -1 Zwiebel (optional), ringe -2-3 grüne Chilischoten -2 Tomaten, in Scheiben geschnitten hinzu. Bedecke die Pfanne und lasse alles bei mittlerer Hitze 20 Minuten köcheln. Für die Soße -1 Tasse Soja-Joghurt 1 Knoblauchzehe, gehackt Vermengen. Wenn die Auberginen fertig sind, verteile etwas von der Sauce auf dem Servierteller, gib die Auberginenmischung darauf und garniere sie mit mehr Joghurt, getrockneter Minze und Chiliflocken sowie frischer Petersilie. Serviere das Gericht mit Reis oder Naan und genieße es! ⠀ #veganmeal #veggierecipes #afghanfood #vegan #veggie #veganrecipes #veganessen #afghan #veganpower #afghanisches #afghanistan #vegetarianrecipe #boranibanjan #plantbasedfood #veganfood #veganrecipe #veganerezepte #veganfoodie #centralasian #veganlunch #vegetarianrecipes #eggplant #vegancomfortfood #veganessen #aubergine #persianvegans #veganerezepte #vegandinner #vegan #persianfood #afghan #afghanistan #afghanistan🇦🇫 #afghanboy #afghantiktok #afghanfood #afghanfoods1 #afghanfood🇦🇫 #afghanfoods #afghanrecipe #afghanrecipes #afghanischessen🇦🇫
Ahmad Noori
1 years ago
Habt ihr jemals solche Kohlrouladen gegessen? 😋 Wir haben Kohlrouladen mit grünen Linsen, Bulgur, Reis und Walnüssen zubereitet, was euch das Fleisch nicht vermissen lässt, und dessen Geschmack ihr sicher lieben werdet 🥬 Besonders das Backen im Ofen und der Knoblauchjoghurt, den wir darüber gegossen haben, verstärken den Geschmack um ein Vielfaches 🔥 Have you ever eaten cabbage rolls like this? 😋 We have prepared cabbage rolls with green lentils, bulgur, rice and walnuts, which won't make you miss the meat and whose taste you will surely love 🥬 Especially the baking in the oven and the garlic yogurt that we poured over it enhances the taste immensely 🔥 Lahana sarmasının böylesini hiç yediniz mi? 😋 Yeşil mercimekli, bulgurlu, pirinçli, cevizli, içinde hiç eti aratmayacak ve tadına bayılacağınız bir lahana sarması yaptık 🥬 Özellikle fırınlanması ve üzerine döktüğümüz sarımsaklı yoğurt lezzetini katbekat artırdı 🔥 #sarma #lahanasarması #cabbagerolls #cabbage #kohlrouladen #lahana #yemek #food #kochen #dolma #foodie #yummy #tasty #simplerecipe #schnellerezepte #vegan #veggie #veganuary
Ümit Memisoglu
1 years ago
TORTA DI PATATE, economica, croccante, cremosa dentro, perfetta anche per chi è intollerante al glutine perché non contiene farina e se si scelgono gli ingredienti giusti può essere pure vegana. Ed è spettacolare. Solo tanti pro per questa ricetta delle mie zone che mi ha insegnato a fare ancora mia nonna ❤️.Davvero, abbinatela con ciò che amate (da noi quasi sempre con salumi, formaggi locali, cavolo cappuccio al cumino, fagioli con la cipolla e pure la confettura di mirtillo rosso). Per una cena autunnale coi fiocchi vi consiglio fortemente di salvarvela. Vi lascio le dosi per una teglia da 25 x 35 cm. Ovviamente se la vostra fosse più piccola o più grande aumentate o diminuite le dosi per avere uno spessore perfetto. La teglia mi raccomando antiaderente. • 1600 g di patate (molto importante che siano a pasta bianca, come la varietà kennebec, o a buccia rossa, chiedetele al vostro fruttivendolo, se non sono giuste la torta tende a diventare collosa) • 100 ml di latte o acqua • Sale e pepe • Strutto o olio (anche extra vergine) • Se vi piace anche 2 o 3 cucchiai di formaggio grattugiato nell'impasto Cuocete la torta in forno statico a 220 gradi (o a 200 se ventilato) per circa 1 ora-1 ora e 15 nella parte più bassa del forno (deve toccare proprio la base del forno) fino a quando la base della torta risulta bella dorata, poi spostatela nella parte alta per dotare leggermente anche la superficie. Servitela bollente, capovolta <3 #tortadipatate #patate #potato #pie #potatoes #patata #patatas #trentino #montagna #novembre #ricettafacile #ricettadelgiorno #economico #facile #veloce #veggie #davidezambelli #vegan #glutenfree #autunno #pioggia #freddo #inverno #montagna #cena #pranzo #domenica
Davide Zambelli
1 years ago
Alles was du brauchst: Blumenkohl Pizzasauce/Tomatensauce Mozzarella Olivenöl Paniermehl Salz und Pfeffer Ptetersilie Den Blumenkohl waschen und das Grün entfernen. Aus den Blumenkohl ca. 1 cm dicke Scheiben schneiden und mit Olivenöl bepinseln. Die Scheiben einmal im Paniermehl wenden, auf ein Backblech legen und bei 200 Grad Celsius Umluft für 15 Minuten backen. Auf die vorgebackenen Scheiben etwas Tomatensauce geben, mit Salz und Peffer würzen und den Mozzarella drüber streuen. Für weitere 10 Minuten bei 200 Grad Celsius Umluft backen. Die Backzeit kann je nach Ofen variieren. Mit Petersilie anrichten und genießen! 🇬🇧 Everything you need: Cauliflower Pizza sauce/tomato sauce Mozzarella Olive oil Breadcrumbs Salt and pepper Ptetersilie Wash the cauliflower and remove the greens. Cut about 1 cm thick slices from the cauliflower and brush with olive oil. Turn the slices once in breadcrumbs, place them on a baking sheet and bake at 200 degrees Celsius for 15 minutes. Add some tomato sauce to the pre-baked slices, season with salt and pepper and sprinkle the mozzarella over it. Bake for another 10 minutes at 200 degrees Celsius convection. The baking time can vary depending on the oven. Serve with parsley and enjoy! #rezepte #recipe #food #cauliflower #steaks #schnellerezepte #einfacherrezepte #foodchallenge #tiktokfood #schnellesessen #schnelleküche #brotzeit #kochen #essen #abendessen #gesundessen #veggie
1 years ago
If you've purchased weighted or bagged produce from @Walmart in the last six years, you may be eligible for part of a $45 million settlement. The class action lawsuit, which shoppers have until June 5 to submit a claim for, comes after the retailer had been overcharging customers for these products. #walmart #lawsuit #produce #fruit #fruits #vegetable #vegetables #veggie #veggies #crop #crops #food #settlement #customer #customers #consumer #consumernews #news #fyp #foryoupage #abc7news
ABC7 News
1 years ago
anzeige 😁 WER KANN BESSER KOCHEN⁉️ Eltern Edition, denn iglo hat uns herausgefordert. Als Eltern suchen wir für unsere kleine Familie regelmäßig Wege das gemeinsame Familienessen kreativ, bunt und abwechslungsreich zu gestalten. Mit iglo Green Cuisine ist das möglich und unsere Ideen sind doch ganz witzig geworden oder⁉️ Habt ihr andere Rezepte oder Rezeptideen für Familien? Sagt gerne Bescheid und vielleicht kochen wir sie dann auch mal nach. 😍❤️ #familie #familienleben #eltern #elternmomente #kochenmitliebe #kochenfürkinder #dinosaurier #kochen #foodtok #essen #koch #chefkoch #kochduell #iglo #greencuisine #vegan #veggie #rezepte
Onkel Banjou
1 years ago
Pupusas | Recipe⬇️ Ingredients: For the masa dough: * 2 cups masa harina (corn flour for tortillas) * 1 1/4 cups warm water * 1/2 teaspoon salt For the filling: * Vegan cheese (grated) * Cooked seasoned black beans (or refried beans) * Chopped sautéed vegetables (bell peppers, onions, zucchini, etc.) Instructions: * Prepare the Masa Dough: * In a large bowl, combine the masa harina and salt. * Gradually pour in the warm water while mixing with your hands. Knead until the dough becomes smooth and slightly moist. Adjust water or masa harina as needed. * Cover the dough with a damp cloth and let it rest for 15-20 minutes. This allows the masa to hydrate and become more pliable. * Form the Pupusas: * Take a small handful of dough and roll it into a ball about the size of a golf ball. * Flatten the dough ball slightly and use your thumb to create an indentation in the center. * Place a spoonful of your chosen filling (vegan cheese, beans, sautéed vegetables) into the indentation. * Carefully fold the edges of the dough over the filling, sealing it to create a stuffed ball. * Gently flatten and pat the ball into a round disc, approximately 1/2 inch thick. * Cook the Pupusas: * Preheat a non-stick skillet or griddle over medium heat. * Place the pupusas onto the hot surface and cook for about 4-5 minutes on each side. You're looking for a golden brown color and a crispy texture. * Serve: * Transfer the cooked pupusas to a plate. You can serve them immediately while they're warm. * Accompany with optional sauces or sides, such as tomato sauce or salsa. #pupus #pupusas #pupusassalvadoreñas #pupusasforyou #pupusassalvadoreñas🇸🇻 #pupusaslocas #veganpupusas #stuffedflatbread #veganmeal #veggierecipes #veganerezepte #asianfood #vegan #veggie #veganrecipes #pancake #pupusas #placinta #veganessen #veganes #vegetarianrecipe #veganmealprep #plantbasedfood #veganlunch #veganfood #veganrecipe #pupusa #veganfoodie #veganfoodporn #veganlunch #vegetarianrecipes #flatbread #vegancomfortfood #vegetarian #veganeernährung #stuffedbread #easyveganmeals #vegandinner
Ahmad Noori
1 years ago
ESPECIAL PARA UNA PICADITA: Unos panes rellenos, versión fácil, crocantes por fuera y llenos de sabor por dentro! 🤤💘 • A la hora de hacer una picadita, siempre suele haber los mismos ingredientes básicos: quesito, salame, jamón, etc… Que mejor que sumarle estos pancitos con el Yogurt sabor natural de Yogurisimo Argentina 🙌🏼 Te van a encantar, le das un toque extra y suman muuucho para esa picada🤤 • Vas a necesitar: - Cabeza de ajo 🧄 - Cebolla blanca y morada 🧅 - Zanahoria 🥕 - Perejil 🌿 - 1 cda Queso crema - 1 cda Yogurisimo sabor natural - Quesito 🧀 - Sal y pimienta 🧂 • - 300 gr Harina Leudante 🌾 - 1 pote de Yogurisimo sabor natural (te guardas una cucharadita de ese pote para el relleno!) - Sal y pimienta 🧂 • Probá esta receta y vas a ver que te va a encantar! Y además, podes rellenarlo con lo que más te guste! En este caso, yo lo hice veggie pero podes hacerle también un rico relleno de carne 🥩 • #pan #verdura #receta #veggie
1 years ago
LA ENTRADA PARA TU PRÓXIMA CENA: Estos buñuelos de vegetales súper sabrosos! 🥕🧅 • 𝕀𝕟𝕘𝕣𝕖𝕕𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕤: • 1 Zanahoria Mediana 🥕 • 1 Cebolla Blanca o Morada 🧅 • 1 Diente de Ajo Picado 🧄 • 1 Puñado de Perejil Picado 🌿 • 1 Puñado de Queso Parmesano 🧀 • 3 Huevos 🥚 • 1cdita de Sal, Pimienta y Nuez Moscada 🧂 • 4 o 5cdas de Harina Leudante 🌾 • c/n Aceite de Girasol Natura • 𝕊𝕒𝕝𝕤𝕚𝕥𝕒: • 3cdas de Mayonesa Natura • 1cdita de Queso Crema • Ralladura y Jugo de 1/2 Limón 🍋 • 1 Diente de Ajo 🧄 • 1 Puñado de Perejil 🌿 • 1cdita de Sal, Pimienta y Pimentón Ahumado🧂 • Es algo súper fácil de hacer, rápido y es algo que le gusta a todo el mundo! Sorprende a tus amigos o familiares con esto que les va a encantar 🥰 • #buñuelos #veggie #natura
1 years ago
vegetable prepping for the week asmr 🥒🍅 this vegetable chopper is on sale at the moment 🤍 #satisfying #mealprep #asmr #relaxing #musthaves #gadget #veggie #vegetablechopper #tiktokshop #tiktokmademebuyit #inspo #productivity #motivation #foodtiktok #kitchenhacks #kitchengadgets #lifehack #kitchenware #kitchenorganization #fridgeorganization #fridgerestock
selina’s home
2 years ago
BUCATINI AL BROCCOLO ARRIMINATO @Nonna Razia è finalmente tornata, e anche questa volta ci ha preparato un primo piatto tipico della tradizione siciliana: bucatini al broccolo arriminato 😍 e tu, li hai mai mangiati? 🔥 🕐Tempo di preparazione: 10 minuti 🕐Tempo di cottura: 1 ora 😊Difficoltà: Facile 🍽Dosi: Per 2 persone 🤑Costo: Basso Ingredienti: Broccolo, 400 g circa; Bucatini, 240 g; Cipolla dorata, 1; Pinoli,1 cucchiaio; Uva passa, 1 cucchiaio; Pangrattato, 40 g; Peperoncino, q.b. ; Olio, q.b. ; Sale, q.b. ; Pepe nero, q.b. Consigli: Esistono tante varietà di broccoli, puoi utilizzare quello che ti piace di più, io ho usato quello siciliano. Puoi sostituire i bucatini con spaghetti, spaghettoni o linguine. Puoi omettere il peperoncino. - #ChefinCamicia #AmazingFood #GoodFood #ItalianFood #RicetteSemplici #Pasta #Bucatini #Broccoli #BroccoloArriminato #RicettedellaNonna #Nonna #Veg #Veggie #Vegenuary #CucinaConTikTok
1 years ago
La chiamo “ PASTA ALLA ZUCCA DAVVERO DIVINA" perché non trovo altro modo migliore per descriverla. Oltre ad essere così cremosa e speciale per il suo crumble gustosissimo sopra (che regala anche una nota croccante super) si prepara sporcando una sola pentola. Diventerà in assoluto la pasta preferita per i tuoi pasti autunnali quindi consiglio fortemente di salvarsela 🧡 #zucca #pasta #pumpking #halloween #halloween2023 #risotto #pranzo #ricettafacile #ricettaveloce #veggie #cena #autunno #davidezambelli #ravioli #tortelli #mantova #ottobre #autumn #pastalover #speck #montagna #trentino #noci #pane #crumble #crema #pastarecipe #onepotpasta
Davide Zambelli
1 years ago
21 Day Daniel Fast 🌿💚 Starting 2024 Refreshed, rejuvenated, and restored 🙏🏿 Get my recipe below ⬇️ or on uncledibbz.com [Link in Bio] Ingredients: • Assorted fruits (e.g., bananas, berries, apples) • Assorted vegetables (e.g., spinach, kale, carrots) • 1 tablespoon honey (or to taste) • 2 cups alkaline water • 2 cups yogurt (plain or Greek, for a creamier texture) • 1 tablespoon Uncle Dibbz Vita Spice Immune Boost [Link in Bio] • 1 tablespoon Uncle Dibbz Vital Spice Daily Blend [Link in Bio] • 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar • 1 tablespoon chia seeds Instructions: 1. Prep Your Produce: • Clean all fruits and vegetables thoroughly. • Peel and cut fruits as needed. • Prepare vegetables by chopping into manageable pieces. 2. Assemble the Smoothie: • In a blender, combine the fruits and vegetables. • Add honey, alkaline water, and yogurt for the base. • Incorporate Uncle Dibbz Vita Spice Immune Boost and Uncle Dibbz Vital Spice Daily Blend for flavor and nutrition. 3. Enhance the Nutrition: • Mix in apple cider vinegar and chia seeds for added health benefits. 4. Blend It Up: • Blend everything until smooth, adjusting the water for desired thickness. 5. Taste and Adjust: • Taste the smoothie and add more honey if needed. 6. Serve: • Pour into glasses and enjoy the nutritious and delicious Daniel Fast Smoothie. Tips: • Customize with your choice of fruits and vegetables to suit your taste. • Use frozen fruits for a cooler drink. • Add chia seeds last for better distribution. #UncleDibbz #ThatsGoodShawty #Healthy #Smoothie #DanielFast #immunesystem #Fruit #Veggie #Vegan #Nutrition #MealPrep #DetoxDrink # #Alkaline #CleanEating #Detox #Diet #NewYear #2024 #Wellness #Fasting #MorningRoutine #productivity #Foryou #Viral #Fyp
Uncle Dibbz 🍴
1 years ago
SA DI PASTA AL PESTO E LA AMERETE TROPPO❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥Ve lo giuro ogni volta che la faccio tutti vogliono la ricetta quindi eccoci qui🚀 Perfetta per qualsiasi momento, dal salvacena a quando avete amici a casa e la preparate per l’aperitivo #tortasalata #pesto #pastaalpesto #torta #genova #liguria #pestopasta #pestoftiktok #basilico #ricotta #mozzarella #davidezambelli #formaggio #vegetariano #vegetariana #veggie #olio #buffet #aperitivo #cena #pranzo #colazione #pastalover #italianfood #festa #pastasfoglia
Davide Zambelli
1 years ago
LECHE DE SEMILLAS DE MELÓN: ¡Al fin llegó el posteo! Se los prometí y acá está, cuénteme que les parece. Súper fácil, la preparé en 5 min. y podríamos decir que gratis, ya que salvamos las semillas de irse al tacho😋. ✔️Guárdala para no perderla. Esta leche se consigue licuando las semillas de esta deliciosa fruta. También se la llama “horchata”. Yo prefiero llamarla leche, ustedes díganle cómo prefieran. 👉🏻Nunca más tiren las semillas de Melón, son espectaculares, tienen muchísimas propiedades que nos benefician. * Mejora el funcionamiento neuronal. * Fortalece el sistema inmunológico. * Reduce el colesterol. * Cuida el corazón ♥️. * Aporta: calcio, potasio, hierro, magnesio, vitamina, B6, A, D, E. ✨Ingredientes: 1/4 taza de semillas de melón (previamente dejar en agua 4 a 6 hs) 3 tazas de agua Un puñadito de pasas de uva o dos datiles o stevia en caso de querer endulzar . Datos: -Se conserva en la heladera hasta 3 días. -Ideal para licuado de banana -Podés usarla para otras preparaciones también. #healthy #paraty #recipes #leche #veggie #melon
Ceci Duca
2 years ago
AIR FRYER CRISPY PEAS! ✨ These super crunchy roasted peas are a healthy and delicious snack hack that you can make in the air fryer in minutes! 🧄 Defrost the frozen peas in water and drain with a paper towel 🌿 Add your peas to air-fryer and drizzle on some oil 🧄 Sprinkle with 1 tsp of oregano, 1 tsp of Chilli flakes, 1 tsp of smoked paprika, 1 tsp of garlic granules and 1 tsp of onion granules 🌿Mix or shake to coat the peas in oil and seasonings then air fry for 10-12 mins @ 200C (shake basket regularly whilst cooking) 🧄 Serve in a bowl and tuck in! #britishfood #thisisplanetfood #ukfood #ValentinesDay #airfryer #airfryerrecipes #healthyfood #peas #crispypeas #caloriecounting #snacks #snackhack #recipesoftiktok #veggie #vegan #veganuary @Birds Eye UK
1 years ago
Shirazi Salad | Recipe ⬇️ (Deutsch in den Kommentaren) Ingredients: * 2 medium Persian cucumbers, finely diced * 2 medium tomatoes, finely diced * 1 small red onion, finely chopped * 1/4 cup fresh parsley, finely chopped * 2 tablespoons fresh mint leaves, finely chopped * Juice of 1 lemon * 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil * Salt and pepper to taste Instructions: 1. In a large mixing bowl, combine the diced cucumbers, tomatoes, red onion, parsley, and mint leaves. 2. In a separate small bowl, whisk together the lemon juice, olive oil, salt, and pepper. 3. Pour the dressing over the vegetables in the mixing bowl. 4. Gently toss all the ingredients together until well combined and evenly coated with the dressing. 5. Taste and adjust the seasoning with additional salt, pepper, or lemon juice if desired. 6. Allow the salad to sit at room temperature for about 15 minutes before serving to allow the flavors to meld together. 7. Serve the Shirazi Salad chilled or at room temperature as a refreshing side dish or as part of a mezze spread. ⠀ #veganmeal #veggierecipes #persianfood #iranianfood #vegan #veggie #veganrecipes #fyp #foryou #foryoufood #veganessen #afghan #veganpower #afghan #afghanistan #vegetarianrecipe #afghanfood #plantbasedfood #veganlunch #veganfood #veganrecipe #veganerezepte #veganfoodie #centralasian #veganlunch #vegetarianrecipes #irani #iranianfood #persischeküche #veganessen #iranian #persianvegans #veganerezepte #vegandinner #vegan
Ahmad Noori
1 years ago
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