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📍 This is why you need to stop buying books like Atomic Habit. See if you're like me, then you've probably purchased books on self-improvement because you want to be a better version of yourself. But why is it despite ordering all these damn books on Amazon, they sit on your shelf? Or even if you do read them, they never fully implement themselves, or you don't really see this drastic change that this book promises? Well, I want to explain why. see information helps introduce you to a topic and get you to start thinking about how you can change and starts to get you familiar with these concept. , but frameworks give you a mechanism to comprehend and digest the information that's in these books. Most people spend all of their time just accumulating information without incorporating and building the correct frameworks to digest and comprehend this information so that it's applicable and integrated within yourself. So the next time you're thinking about buying another book from Amazon, first, try to understand and comprehend what it is you're trying to accomplish before you try to accumulate more information. #goalcast #coachdealtaperformance #coachingdeperformance #sportsperformancecoach #humanperformancecoach #coachingdealtaperformance #mentalperformancecoach #certifiedhighperformancecoach #highperformancecoachingbypilarmendez #highperformancesurfcoaching #risemtbperformancecoaching #performancecoach #leadershipskills #publicspeaker #executivecoaching #keynotespeaker #leadershipdevelopment #setgoals #leadershipcoach #growthmindset #careercoaching #mindsetmatters #mindsetmondav
Duration: 67 sPosted : Wed, 12 Oct 2022 23:43:55Views
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