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Introduction: This is a tiktok video published by June Quan. The video has now received more than 3.2M likes, 20.3K comments and 187.7K shares. It is deeply loved by fans. The following is the specific data and similar videos. Address, you can complete the operation on this page by clicking play or bookmarking the video.

Our homecoming didnt go as expected, but their feelings were so real and valid. We took the transition home slowly as best we could and they’ve been embracing their new roles as big sibs. I’ll remember this moment forever 🥹 #twins #twinsoftiktok #doubletwins #homecoming #newborn
Duration: 57 sPosted : Tue, 18 Apr 2023 22:31:12Views
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When did your bab(ies) start walking? I ask this not for anyone to compare, but for us to relate and find comfort that everyone is different. I would’ve loved to see this comment section as a new mom since I have a feeling there will be a whole range of ages that every parent can relate to 🩷 Z took his first couple steps at 13 months and just took his first long distance walk at 14 months (23 steps…ya, I counted)!! There’s no feeling like your child taking their first steps and each time feels new and so exciting!! H and K started walking at 14 months too. I remember noticing so many other babies walking much earlier and as a first time mom, I felt some worry. But deep down I knew they would walk in their own time and our doctors were not concerned. With both sets of our twins, the Baby A’s started walking first (K and Z). S is working his way there too! If your child is reaching milestones later than your friends, family, and people you see online, I see you and I am you! All our kids were preemies, which is always a reminder to me that every child develops differently (in the womb or out) and at different rates. As long as you are consulting your child’s healthcare team about their development, that’s what matters, not the pressure of comparison. As my kids’ mommy, my job is to just support them and cheer them on the best I can!
June Quan
10 months ago
#ad Family time playing together is something I look forward to everyday - seeing the world through our kids’ eyes makes us feel like kids again experiencing new things alongside them. There’s something pure and special that I cherish whenever Dan and I channel our inner child playing with our kids. Disney Family sent me some toys that sparked the idea to surprise our 4 little ones after their nap time, which turned into such a fun game of make believe and pretend play! Spark Play in the Everyday: get creative and make playtime extra special! You can find these items and more on Amazon. #sparkjoyintheeveryday
June Quan
11 months ago
Try this if you’re moving! Received this comment on one of my posts sharing about our move: “Listen, make a small terrarium from your first home. I often do this for clients if the house is hard to leave. A nice glass dish from Michael’s, place some soil from the yard, some stones from the walkway or property. I have hubby cut a small branch to make small “stepping stones” through the soil. Moss will transfer easily. You can really get creative with it. ❤️Alternatively, you can bring a 5 gallon bucket of soil from your current home, dig a hole at your new home and plant a young tree/sapling in it. It can grow with the babies, using the soil and nutrients from their first home. You can bring stones to surround the small tree too. Or bricks, whatever is there that you can transfer. ❤️ Thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing this incredibly meaningful idea, @anne.mahoney.realtor! I know God brought your thoughtfulness into my heart. Making this terrarium was therapeutic and made the idea of moving out of our first home less sad and more of a realization that home is anywhere we are together. If you’re moving or want to take a piece of whenever you are with you, try this 🥹
June Quan
11 months ago
✨Part 2: Craniofacial Appointment in Westwood, CA✨ At our last regular check up with our pediatrician, she wanted us to go to a craniofacial specialist to ensure the plates of S’ skull were growing properly since his head is narrower than Z’s. The worst that I thought they would find is that he might need a helmet and I did not anticipate what the possible diagnosis and treatment would be. Dan dropped us off first while he parked with our other 3 so I was by myself with S when the doctors told me they are concerned he could have craniosynostosis because he has a slight ridge down the top of his skull. If diagnosed, it would mean that the plates in his skull have fused too quickly not leaving room for his brain to grow properly and he would need skull surgery with a neurosurgeon and plastic surgeon to fix it. I was quietly freaking out alone in my head. We were given the choice to do a CT Scan (would need sedation, but 100% would know the answer) or X-Ray (could stay awake, but 30% chance we’d need to do a CT after anyways). After discussing with our specialist, the surgeon, and calling my dad (OBGYN), we decided to get an X-Ray for baby S. While we waited for the results, we walked to lunch at In -n-Out and to visit the team at our matcha shop, @junbimatcha. It’s only a 6 min walk from UCLA and was just the cheer-up meal we needed. We got the Bigs Blended Guava Refreshers from our Junbi kids menu ☺️ While the Bigs were playing in the hospital’s playground, our doctor came out to discuss the results and we were so relieved to hear that S’ plates are not fused and he does not need skull surgery. Can’t tell you how relieved we are!! His sweet little head is developing right on track. We are so grateful for the compassionate care we received by the pediatric cranio team at UCLA. It’s never easy going to any doctor appointment for your child where the outcome feels uncertain and you feel helpless. If no one has told you you’re amazing today, well, you’re so amazing and your kid(s) are so blessed to be in your care and wrapped in your love ❤️ #stirandstyle #momvlog #craniofacial #twinmom #twins #twinmama #doubletwins #innout #junbimatcha #ucla
June Quan
11 months ago
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