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When did your bab(ies) start walking? I ask this not for anyone to compare, but for us to relate and find comfort that everyone is different. I would’ve loved to see this comment section as a new mom since I have a feeling there will be a whole range of ages that every parent can relate to 🩷 Z took his first couple steps at 13 months and just took his first long distance walk at 14 months (23 steps…ya, I counted)!! There’s no feeling like your child taking their first steps and each time feels new and so exciting!! H and K started walking at 14 months too. I remember noticing so many other babies walking much earlier and as a first time mom, I felt some worry. But deep down I knew they would walk in their own time and our doctors were not concerned. With both sets of our twins, the Baby A’s started walking first (K and Z). S is working his way there too! If your child is reaching milestones later than your friends, family, and people you see online, I see you and I am you! All our kids were preemies, which is always a reminder to me that every child develops differently (in the womb or out) and at different rates. As long as you are consulting your child’s healthcare team about their development, that’s what matters, not the pressure of comparison. As my kids’ mommy, my job is to just support them and cheer them on the best I can!
Duration: 58 sPosted : Sat, 20 Apr 2024 03:42:23Views
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