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These are the 3 money tips I give to others as a self-made millionaire and former California public school math teacher. 1. Stop buying stupid things that are going to depreciate in value over time. Don’t try to impress friends with your material goods. And if you have friends who place more value on these things, it’s a good time to reevaluate your friend circle. 2. Don’t rely on just one income stream. You must have passive income streams or you will work forever. The easiest way to start is to open a high-yields savings with any of the below: @wealthfront @capitalone @ally @apple @Marcus If you want to start investing, here are the 4 steps to start: (1) choose a brokerage company, (2) open an account like a Roth IRA, (3) set up recurring deposits, and (4) buy assets, preferably something that tracks the S&P500 and DOW30. I’ll go over this next Tuesday at 5:30PM PT if you want to ask me questions. 3. Stop following finance gurus and these get-rich-quick schemes. No AMC, GME, BBBY, marijuana stocks, useless cryptocurrencies, or whatever is in hype. The fastest way to build your wealth is to be the turtle. I hope this helps give you a little motivation to start building wealth today. Feel free to ask me questions or even send this to a friend. -Steve #calltoleap #creditcards #creditgoals #creditrepair #daveramsey #daveramseybabysteps #money #debitcard #creditcardhacks #creditscore #personalfinance #creditcards #cashback #millionaire #makemoney #entrepreneur @Chase @AmericanExpress @Citibank @CapitalOne @Discover @wellsfargo @chime @bankofamerica @mint @yahoofinance @wealthfront @chime @tdbankcanada @fidelity @investopedia @marketwatch @marketwatch @vanguard @tdameritrade @tdbank @cnbc @ynab
Duration: 58 sPosted : Sat, 13 May 2023 01:01:02Views
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