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6 months ago today. I know that when I close my eyes I can see him but it’s not the same. My heart cries for him. If you’re struggling please stay. Please get the help needed. The rain won’t last forever. Keep your light shining. You’re loved and needed here ☀️❤️☀️#mentalhealthawareness #lovelikenoah #gonetoosoon
Duration: 61 sPosted : Fri, 07 Jul 2023 17:27:51Views
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Noah left a mark on every life that he touched ☀️ This is where he started tattooing. This is where Noah was born, this is where he’s buried. He loved coming home to the mountains where loved the outdoors.. He’d spend hours driving the backroads, going to the skateparks, golfing & fishing. He loved Hawley Lake and hanging out at Show Low Lake, he’d drive up to Porter Mountain and watch the sunsets. His personality and smile were huge, so is the hole our family’s heart. When Craig and I saw Noah lying in the casket my knees buckled and I fell to the floor sobbing. I knew that I had to pick myself up and be strong for his brothers and a church full of people, that felt unbearable. Shutting the casket door was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. His memory will remain long after our last goodbye and someday I will see him again❤️ Until then I’ll continue to love him all my days and spread the importance of suicide prevention. #lovelikenoah #mentalawarenessmatters #gonetoosoon #goresthighonthatmountain
11 months ago
I year 😢 I often refer to events in my life as “chapters”. This chapter in my Book of Life is a painful one. It’s filled with a heartache that I’ve never experienced. I wish it was never written. This was a year of “firsts” without Noah.. All while remembering his “lasts”. I know he loved us until his last breath but mental illness & depression are cruel. They rob your mind of happiness, just to replace it with lies. Your mind becomes cloudy, you think this is the only way out but it’s not! I have many pictures & I look at them often, just to feel them again. Even though they’re already burned into memory, it’s better than not feeling them at all. It’s better than trying to forget something I know I never will. To me Noah is more than a memory. I know I will rise from the ashes, but the burning, the stinging comes first. Even though it’s hard, I know I have to be strong. I know I have to be brave. I can never let my family feel this pain again. Please don’t let your family feel this pain. You’re important and loved, please stay! To anyone carrying a heavy heart in silence, to those of us who put on a smile, then cry under the blankets at night.. Remember, it’s going to be ok… maybe not today but someday. ❤️ Why? Because this isn’t the last chapter in our Book of Life. There is hope. One day when the last chapter is written it will be filled with love, peace & happiness. We will see our loved ones again. What a beautiful reunion that will be. Thank you to those who have wiped away my tears. Those who let me cry without judgement. Your kindness & love is priceless. ❤️#lovelikenoah #mentalhealthawareness #gonetoosoon #stay
1 years ago
Happy 21st Heavenly Birthday Noah Bug 🐛 🎂 Our 1st without you. You were sunshine in my world. You came. You smiled. You shined. You were always there for others & never asked for anything in return. Your laughter was a little louder. Your smile was contagious. Your heart was the biggest. Your light was a little brighter. Your hugs a whole lot tighter. You will always live in my heart because this is where I store all the special memories. Until we meet again, I will miss & love you all my days. ❤️ Mom #lovelikenoah #mentalhealthawareness #gonetoosoon
1 years ago
6 months ago today. I know that when I close my eyes I can see him but it’s not the same. My heart cries for him. If you’re struggling please stay. Please get the help needed. The rain won’t last forever. Keep your light shining. You’re loved and needed here ☀️❤️☀️#mentalhealthawareness #lovelikenoah #gonetoosoon
1 years ago
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