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Do modern women really want men to lead or do they enjoy a power dynamic that comes with being the breadwinner? Do women prefer to be in control of finances and other traditional masculine roles or would they be willing to support giving that role back to the man in their life? Let’s be honest, there is power in having the Amex and being able to call the financial shots in a relationship. Women have become very much use to making and spending money however they please. Are women ready to take a back seat to some of these traditional roles? Yawl let us know in the comments. React. Share. Follow. #relationshipgoals #relationshipadvice #relationshiptips #mancavepod #mancavewithsouthsidedre #independentwoman #breadwinner #provider #blackwomenmatter #doublestandard #helpmate #diddy
Duration: 72 sPosted : Tue, 05 Dec 2023 23:22:57Views
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