Introduction: This is a tiktok video published by Juliana Soares. The video has now received more than 1.9K likes, 12 comments and 12 shares. It is deeply loved by fans. The following is the specific data and similar videos. Address, you can complete the operation on this page by clicking play or bookmarking the video.
🇧🇷 Leia a legenda 🇺🇸 Read the caption A sua voz acompanha o movimento da sua mão mais do que você imagina 🤩 Troque o gesto de “tenho que fazer isso de peito” pelo “tenho que jogar essa voz lá no fundo da boca”, acene para alguém com as mãos e veja o que acontece com a sua voz. Acredite. Não é sobre peso, e sobre encaixe 🚀 Isso faz sentido pra você, então fique por perto! Tem link de inscrição para aulas de canto comigo na minha bio, é só clicar! 😃 - Your voice follows the movement of your hand more than you realize 🤩 Swap the gesture of “I have to do this with my chest” for “I have to throw that voice in the back of my mouth”, wave at someone with your hands and see what happens to your voice. Believe. It’s not about weight, it’s about fit 🚀 This makes sense to you, so stick around! There’s a registration link for singing classes with me in my bio, just click! 😃 @thenatalieweiss #belting #agudosperfeitos #vocalcoach #professoradecanto #aulasdecanto #tecnicavocal #aulasonline #singingclasses #singer #music #musica
Duration: 76 sPosted : Fri, 08 Dec 2023 17:32:21Views
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