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“Fear not for it is I who goes with you” says the lord (Isaiah 41:10) ✨🪽🕊️ Denying your flesh can be a hard task thats why we must rely on the strength of the lord and not our own strength. It is not us who strengthen ourselves but, God. Philippians 4:13 and Isaiah 41:10. When you are walking down this narrow path people are going to look at you differently they will talk about you, try to slander your name but fear not for you will reap the crown of life and your enemies will fall before your feet in the name of the Lord! Continue moving forward and head up head you are now in a class of victors! #StayBlessedPeople #DisciplesOfChrist #JesusLovesYou #GodBless #Gamer #SpiritualWar #gaming #TDSPK #ContentCreator #InChristWePray #Repent #War #Christ #SelfLove #Holy #Christian #Amen #Jesus #Christianity #JesusChrist #ChristianVideos #ChristianVideo #ChristianTikTok #ChristianTikToks #TikTok #TikToks #Videos #YouTube #YouTubeVideos #Instagram #Twitter #ChristianContent #Content #Creation #ChristianClips #ChristianCreator #ChristianGamer #God #Godly #Godlyvibes #heaven #heavenly #heavenlyvibes #holyvideos #holiness #holycontent #holyclips #holygod #godisgood #jesusisgod #angel #angelic #angels #angelicvibes #teamangel #angelsvsdemons #teamgod #teamjesus #teamchrist #demons #devil #satan #friends #family #manipulation #delusion #decievement #past #present #future #leavethem #newlife #walk #withchrist #walkwithgod #walkwithjesus #hallelujah #world #worldly #flesh #desires #desire #fruits #fruit #fruitsofspirit #fruitsofthespirit #good #goodfruits #goodness #humble #humbleness #patience #joy #happy #happiness #rebirth #reborn #ingod #inchrist #praying #repentence #disipline #disciples #kind #kindness #love #loving #pure #purity #respect #harmony #gentle #gentleness #righteous #righteousness #amazing #amazinggod #jesussavedyou #jesussavedus #saved #you #me #us #save #yourself #saveothers #seed #plant #help #helping #helpothers #others #selfcontrol #selfcontrolled #hard #work #hardwork #rest #fight #warrior #warriorofgod #warriorforchrist #christianwarrior #loverofgod #loverofjesus #planting #plantingseeds #blessings #grow #sprout #moveforward #stepbystep #fire #fireforgod #fireforchrist #live #livewithgod #godiseternal #christiseternal #christinusall #livingforchrist #eternallife #spirit #spiritual #spiritualwealth #wealth #abundance #health #spiritualhealth #enlightenment #reach #achieve #jesusisking #jesusisonlygod #trinity #heavenlyfather #son #holyspirit
Duration: 60 sPosted : Sun, 17 Dec 2023 01:45:22Views
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