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Introduction: This is a tiktok video published by Devon Stemler. The video has now received more than 57 likes, 2 comments and 3 shares. It is deeply loved by fans. The following is the specific data and similar videos. Address, you can complete the operation on this page by clicking play or bookmarking the video.
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1 year post op! The biggest challenge I ever had to go through. Starting from the very beginning back in nov’21 feeling a sudden change in my ability to move normally and even dance. To many doctors vists, cortisone shots, and avoiding surgery to finish out my dance career it was time to get my hip fixed. Jan 13th ‘23 I overcame my fear of surgery. Started off the new year on crutches, bed rest and limited movement for weeks. I was mentally struggling to accept the fact that things may never be the same again. I missed dance every single day. Getting to visit my home studio and watching my teammates dance brought me so much joy, but also sadness. Every day I thought about dance and how my first love was ripped from me. It was so unfair. A year later I still struggle to accept that my dance abilities from before are gone but its not stopping me from trying, and I have been lucky enough to start to move again! A fear of hurting myself again and having to repeat this trauma is eating me alive, but I will overcome it one day, and continue to get myself into a studio and find my new way of dancing! Hip surgery is no joke… but it has been a great lesson. #1yearpostop #hipsurgery #labrumtear #labrumrepair #fyp #dance #athleteinjury
Devon Stemler
1 years ago
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