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My therapist office. 📋💭 #barnchores#horsebarnlife#horsebarnchores#timelapse#horsesontiktok#thebarniscalling#mybarnchronicles#fleabitengrey#standardbred#quarterhorseBeast Mode
Duration: 77 sPosted : Thu, 25 Jan 2024 01:41:02Views
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A video if our baby girls last day. Rest in peace Mia baby. ❤️ Our sweet Mia would have lived forever if she could have...we did everything possible for our sweet girl so she could stay with us for as long as possible but her fragile body was growing so tired. We had to make the toughest decision today to let her go. Even though our hearts are shattered in a millon pieces, we know this was the kindest thing we could do for her. Mia was my very best friend for all 12 years of her life. She was there for me through all my young stupid decisions and hard life lessons. She was there for me through all for my best memories...when I met my husband, my wedding, my pregnancy, 4 years of Blake's life, and all the other moments inbetween. You'll never be forgotten. We love you with our whole hearts. #alldogsgotoheaven #neverforgetyou #neverforget #oneinamillondog #rip #flyhigh #runfree
Casey Klintworth
11 months ago
This was my daughters first fall. She was completely unharmed, thank goodness. She wiped her tears stood up and asked to get back on and go again. Even though I just wanted to hold my baby tight and not let her go, I knew I had to let her get back on and go again. She got back up in her saddle and redid her event. 🥺 Her Daddy and I have one tough little girl on our hands. 🩶 *her horse has been examined as this was absolutely not her normal behavior* #horsebarnlife #horsesontiktok #quarterhorse #mybarnchronicles #horsefail #horsefallsandfails #horsefall #toddlersandhorses #horseshow
Casey Klintworth
1 years ago
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