Introduction: This is a tiktok video published by ♾️🤍Happyhandswith_Hallie🤍♾️. The video has now received more than 8.1K likes, 319 comments and 629 shares. It is deeply loved by fans. The following is the specific data and similar videos. Address, you can complete the operation on this page by clicking play or bookmarking the video.

I’ll be honest here I’m not a expert in gestalt language processing but I can tell you from our experience how Hallie having obsessive characters and YouTube series has helped her to communicate with us. She can pull on so many phrases from her series she watches to communicate and play with us. The frustration Hallie would experience when she was non speaking because she couldn’t tell us what she needed, or what she wanted us to do in a game. Hallie likes things to be exact, so even in her games. I had to get it right. Allowing Hallie to watch a YouTube series has helped her language to come on so much and given her access to many every day scenarios and how to respond and interact. So while there is a lot of shame in allowing unlimited screen time, for some children it is the right thing to do. For some it’s not, For example. Bonnie is under assessment for adhd and autism. But she cannot have unlimited screen time because she gets very over stimulated, upset, emotional and cannot sleep. Bonnie actually understands this herself and chooses to do other things, like calm colouring or listening to her toniebox. Hallie is the opposite again, and gets visual sensory input from screen time to feel regulated. This just shows how this can vary between children. So what I’m not saying here is all kids should have unlimited screen time. But like me, I know this has been the right decision for my Hallie and I’ll stand by it without people making me feel bad or guilty. #screentime #autism #adhd #audhd #autismspectrum #acceptance
Duration: 38 sPosted : Sun, 25 Feb 2024 17:05:30Views
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