Introduction: This is a tiktok video published by 👽Aliens_and_Cryptids🐉. The video has now received more than 183 likes, 3 comments and 10 shares. It is deeply loved by fans. The following is the specific data and similar videos. Address, you can complete the operation on this page by clicking play or bookmarking the video.

Interesting footage here out of Osawatomie Kansas more than a decade ago. I'Il be honest with you guys, I don't really buy into this footage but l've seen it posted to a few socials recently so I thought I'd revisit. The story is that a family was camping in the area when they noticed this creature sneaking around by the road. Simply put, they started recording. I don't really think it looks like it's moving naturally, and it seems rather too convenient of a situation. You can't get a great estimate on size but just looking at it doesn't give you the sense that it's overwhelmingly large. However, if this were a hoax, don't you think we'd get some steadier camera work? Anyways, I'm only one opinion, I'd like to know what you all think. Anyone buying into this one? lf so what am I missing #Aliens_and_cryptid #bigfoothunter #bigfootmuseum #expeditionbigfoot #bigfoothunting #bigfootmama #bigfootmountain #bigfoots #findingbigfoot #sasquatch #sasquatchsighting #ufo #ufoキャツチャー #alien #aliens #alienbff #bigfootsigns #cryptozoology #bigfootvideos #bigfootisreal #bigfootswilderness
Duration: 25 sPosted : Sun, 03 Mar 2024 21:39:06Views
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