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🚨Healthcare is #NotaTarget !! ❌ "WHOEVER STAYS UNTIL THE END, WILL TELL THE STORY. WE DID WHAT WE COULD *REMEMBER US* 10/20/23 -Penned on the Al Shifa hospital whiteboard by Dr. Abu Nujalla days before being ki//ed The deliberate targeting of healthcare workers and the destruction of healthcare infrastructure is not only a w4r crime, but a key component of the crime of genoside: the systematic and calculated obliteration of hospitals and healthcare workers is an assault on the very essence of a people. 'The protection of healthcare infrastructure is enshrined into international law to protect patients. Violation of these spaces and the attacks on healthcare workers are w4r crimes that Isræl continues to commit with impunity. This must stop now and we must stand against this systemic assault on healthcare and demand the following: 1. Call for the immediate release of the medical personnel and patients abducted by Isræli forces. 2. Call for an immediate ceasefire to allow much needed aid to safely reach all parts of G4za. 3. Call for Isræli accountability for these w4r crimes. Their military leaders need to be tried in a court of law. #notatarget#healthcare#doctor#healthcareworker#doctorsagainstgenocide#gaza#savegaza#ceasefirenowLast Hope (Slowed + Reverb)

Duration: 93 sPosted : Tue, 19 Mar 2024 19:35:11

Dr. Noor, MD


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🚨Healthcare is #NotaTarget !! ❌ "WHOEVER STAYS UNTIL THE END, WILL TELL THE STORY. WE DID WHAT WE COULD *REMEMBER US* 10/20/23 -Penned on the Al Shifa hospital whiteboard by Dr. Abu Nujalla days before being ki//ed The deliberate targeting of healthcare workers and the destruction of healthcare infrastructure is not only a w4r crime, but a key component of the crime of genoside: the systematic and calculated obliteration of hospitals and healthcare workers is an assault on the very essence of a people. 'The protection of healthcare infrastructure is enshrined into international law to protect patients. Violation of these spaces and the attacks on healthcare workers are w4r crimes that Isræl continues to commit with impunity. This must stop now and we must stand against this systemic assault on healthcare and demand the following: 1. Call for the immediate release of the medical personnel and patients abducted by Isræli forces. 2. Call for an immediate ceasefire to allow much needed aid to safely reach all parts of G4za. 3. Call for Isræli accountability for these w4r crimes. Their military leaders need to be tried in a court of law. #healthcare #doctor #healthcareworker #doctorsagainstgenocide #gaza #savegaza #ceasefirenow
Dr. Noor, MD
12 months ago
Over 12,300 children were killed in Gaza between October 2023 and February 2024, compared to 12,193 children killed in global conflict from 2019 to 2024 according to UN Data
Dr. Noor, MD
1 years ago
What was meant to be a lifeline turned into another harrowing nightmare. Unimaginable cruelty and human suffering continues to unfold at the hands of the Israli occupation as the world watches. Enough. Just Enough! This must stop now!
Dr. Noor, MD
1 years ago
Will you stand for humanity?🍉🕊️ As healthcare providers, we made a commitment to preserving life, doing no harm, and being a loud voice for the silent. It is NOT normal to watch the bOmbings of hospitals/ambulances, the deliberate starvation of patients, and the m*rder of hundreds of healthcare workers. These attacks on healthcare are deliberate attacks on humanity We are morally obligated 📣To SPEAK UP as experts in our various healthcare professions that we are witnessing a g3nocde! 📣To DISRUPT business as usual in honor of our murd*red colleagues in G*za. 📣To STAND IN SOLIDARITY with our fellow healthcare workers risking their lives while providing life-saving care in G*za. Amidst so much silence amongst the so-called healthcare "advocates", let us be loud and unapologetic with our stance for justice ✊🏽 Let's pls show the global community that we, healthcare providers, are undoubtedly standing with palestine 🇵🇸 ACTIONS: 1. SHARE a similar post & show the world that you stand on the right side of history 2. Use @5calls to CALL your senators + reps and demand a permanent ceasef:re 3. Show solidarity & wear a KEFFIYEH at your place of work 4. Tag healthcare organizations below to demand they PUBLICLY call for a permanent ceasef!re #istandwithpalestine #palestine #gaza #freepalestine #savegaza #healthcareworker #doctors #nurse
Dr. Noor, MD
1 years ago
🚨Northern Gaza is Starving🚨 Delivering aid to Gaza is a matter of life or death right now‼️ This is how you can help. #AirDropAidForGaza While few aid trucks are entering South Gaza, none of the aid can reach the North. There are around 600,000 people still there that are enduring a famine. There are videos of people eating grass and animal food. Starvation and disease are killing children right now. As a result, the Jordanian government has provided began airdrops of aid to the North in the past month however it has not even been near enough. To mitigate this problem these airdrops must be done daily! #airdropaidforgaza is a movement started to urge governments to do the bare minimum and get involved in joining Jordan with supplying aid to those in the North. Sign the petition. Spread the word and share the hashtag!
Dr. Noor, MD
1 years ago

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