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Straighten Your Spine with 4 Strength Exercises To me, selling exercises for a straighter spine is like selling exercises to get taller… Just give ‘em a hanging exercise, a vertical press, a calf raise & a traction stretch (teach ‘em to pull on their own legs)… I’m 100% certain I could get someone, somewhere to buy it. Because some people REALLY want to be taller… Just like some people REALLY want their spine to be straighter (scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis, all of it). Now I’m all for profiting off of people’s insecurities… As long as you have proof that what you’re selling might actually address that insecurity… And that’s where I get pissed about all this. We have a bunch of studies showing we probably can’t change spine shape with anything not named “surgery”… We have a few studies showing we might be able to make a 3-5 degree difference (likely temporary), which definitely isn’t worth paying actual money for… And we have a bunch of studies showing how ridiculously hard it is to change even with effort far greater than a few exercises a couple times per week (months of bracing). So why the f*ck are we still selling scoliosis fixes & posture correction?? Like guys, I wanna sell people their dreams too. I wanna give them hope & take their money… But not if it means I’m just making shit up & ignoring tons of research. Lol doesn’t anyone care about anything??? Wtf #scoliosis#posturecorrection#postureexercises#schroth#posturecheckoriginal sound

Duration: 82 sPosted : Tue, 02 Apr 2024 22:01:17
















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Fear Mongering 101 Here is a true masterclass in fear mongering from Mr. Brittle Joint Alert himself. He claims he doesn’t need to cite research to back up his fear mongering because he backs it up with “results” (a bunch of pics of people standing slightly differently in before & after photos). We need to call this stuff out. It’s our responsibility as evidence-based providers. You don’t have to be as aggressive as I tend to, but you should say something. This stuff hurts people. If we let it slide, we’re failing our patients. Plenty of room to come join me on the low road too, though. Nothing wrong with punching down. #crepitus #kneepain #kneepainrelief #jointpain #jointpainrelief
Aaron Kubal, DC
11 months ago
Straighten Your Spine with 4 Strength Exercises To me, selling exercises for a straighter spine is like selling exercises to get taller… Just give ‘em a hanging exercise, a vertical press, a calf raise & a traction stretch (teach ‘em to pull on their own legs)… I’m 100% certain I could get someone, somewhere to buy it. Because some people REALLY want to be taller… Just like some people REALLY want their spine to be straighter (scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis, all of it). Now I’m all for profiting off of people’s insecurities… As long as you have proof that what you’re selling might actually address that insecurity… And that’s where I get pissed about all this. We have a bunch of studies showing we probably can’t change spine shape with anything not named “surgery”… We have a few studies showing we might be able to make a 3-5 degree difference (likely temporary), which definitely isn’t worth paying actual money for… And we have a bunch of studies showing how ridiculously hard it is to change even with effort far greater than a few exercises a couple times per week (months of bracing). So why the f*ck are we still selling scoliosis fixes & posture correction?? Like guys, I wanna sell people their dreams too. I wanna give them hope & take their money… But not if it means I’m just making shit up & ignoring tons of research. Lol doesn’t anyone care about anything??? Wtf #scoliosis #posturecorrection #postureexercises #schroth #posturecheck
Aaron Kubal, DC
11 months ago
Replying to @ShladamStrawberry The Worst Plantar Fasciitis Video Ever - PART 2 As promised, here is the general approach I take for plantar fasciitis based around the best practice guideline I cited in Part 1. Hopefully this doesn’t take the throne for worst plantar fasciitis video ever lol it was really hard to cram everything I wanted to say into 90 seconds… To summarize the approach: we’re trying to keep your life as close to normal as possible while time takes care of the rest. I like this approach of scaling things down only as far as we need to rather than just assuming someone needs to be scaled all the way down to zero (stop running/exercising) for 2 main reasons… 1) the path back to where they want to be won’t feel quite so far & 2) it allows the person to start doing what they love right away. By laying out as many variables as possible, we give ourselves a chance to take as small of steps as necessary to keep progressing at a gradual, tolerable rate & stay away from the boom-bust cycle. I have no issue with manual therapy as long as it’s correctly communicated (not a fix, not a magic bullet). I’ve just never found it to be a necessary part of management & if someone wants it there are plenty of self-administered techniques I can show them. There are other things that are supported in the guidelines as well… I didn’t mention them because I don’t use anything beyond what I mentioned in the video. #plantarfasciitis #plantarfascia #plantarheelpain #footpain #runner
Aaron Kubal, DC
11 months ago
The Worst Plantar Fasciitis Video of All Time Seriously haha he didn’t get one thing right… But I’m not surprised… Of all the pain & injury problems I help people with, the educational content I see on social media for plantar heel pain might be the lowest quality of all. It’s mostly just 10 second videos promising to instantly fix plantar fasciitis by doing a stretch/rubbing technique that they claim will fix a cause that isn’t an actual cause (foot shape, tight/weak muscle, adhesion/knot/trigger point etc.)… In other words, lots of stepping on water bottles, “shaking hands” with your foot… and how ‘bout that guy who was just lightly punching his foot?? Hahaha all while claiming “instant fix” too… man, f*ck these people. Rubbing is fine. If it feels good, do it. If it doesn’t, it doesn’t really matter… It doesn’t “fix” anything anyway, it’s just a short term symptom modifier. BUT, if that’s the only thing you’re doing for self-management… I’d say you’re missing a lot of much more valuable pieces… And the entirety of the evidence-based treatment guidelines. In Part 2 I’ll do the unthinkable… give the world a plantar heel pain video that isn’t completely useless. Stay tuned. #plantarfascitiis #plantarfascia #plantarheelpain #footpain #runninginjury
Aaron Kubal, DC
12 months ago
Replying to @Amy Harber Fibromyalgia PART 2 The exercises I prescribe for my fibromyalgia patients usually looks quite a bit different compared to what I prescribe my other patients… Sometimes it looks like very low intensity exercise… Other times it’s regressed so much that it doesn’t even look like exercise; moreso just “movement.” This video includes a few examples of both from a fibromyalgia exercise protocol I found in a study from last year. Several of the exercises in that protocol don’t really look like exercise… Which is why I wanted to share it. Sometimes that’s where these people need to start… But it’s really incredible how far they can go from there. Many of these people do not respond to pain in the short-term the same way most people do; they don’t get exercise-induce hypoalgesia (pain relief via movement). Instead for them it just hurts… That’s why the “sensitive but safe” part is so important to know. BUT there are studies showing that over the long term, these people are able to achieve the same level of pain adaptations as anyone else. Let me know in the comments if I should make a Part 3 showing the full exercise protocol from that study along with my own personal exercise ideas. And if you find written content more helpful, Chris Hughen wrote a great blog article on fibromyalgia for E3 Rehab that I think could really help a lot of people. Just head to the articles section of their website. Sorry this video was super boring lol fibromyalgia is a hard topic to make videos on. #fibromyal#fibromyalgiaa#chronicpainl#fibromyalgiawarrior💜a#chronicpainwarriorainmanagement
Aaron Kubal, DC
1 years ago

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