Introduction: This is a tiktok video published by Pink Pony Creative. The video has now received more than 1.1K likes, 5 comments and 19 shares. It is deeply loved by fans. The following is the specific data and similar videos. Address, you can complete the operation on this page by clicking play or bookmarking the video.

Watch me turn our GIANT plastic horse into a 3D model on our website 🔥🦄 I recently relaunched my agency’s website @pinkponycreative and I just KNEW I had to do something special with Pedro, our giant plastic horse in our office. So here’s an overview of how I did it. With the help of two Dans. I got in touch with a 3D Modeller, Dan who modelled him and we bought Pedro the 3D Model to life! Dan also told me, “Now you have him 3D modelled, you can get him 3D printed” and I was like - whaaaat. So of course, I just had too. Anyway - once 3D Pedro was created, our website developer - whos funnily enough also called Dan imported him and made a parallax! Go check out our website! Website Developer: Dan from @thefoldnz 🔥 Please note; both Dans shown are not actually the real Dans. It’s surprising what AI can do. #websitedesign#websitedevelopment#officestory#funwebsiteCoconut Mall (From "Mario Kart Wii")

Duration: 33 sPosted : Tue, 09 Apr 2024 13:35:28
















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Just starting your design career or feeling lost? LISTEN UP (Or read below) 🔥 After I finished university I spent 7 years working for 3 various companies. The work was good experience but I never really felt like I was designing up to my full potential. When I hit year 5 I got a job, that was great experience and the team was awesome to work for but the work wasn’t creatively fulfilling. I would sit at my desk everyday and think ‘Is this it?’ Year 7 in my career hit and I decided to make a change. I HAD to do something about it. I decided to do a 100 design challenge which then turned into my business which I have today. It took me 7 YEARS to find my passion, find my groove and find my path that felt TRULY aligned with me. This is your reminder to not worry if you feel like you are going in the wrong direction. For 7 years I felt like I was. But everything leads you up to a moment in time where EVERYTHING just makes sense. Just keep going, keep working hard - no matter the role - you WILL get there. #graphicdesign #designindustry #branddesign #design #visualidentity #logodesign
Pink Pony Creative
11 months ago
What people think I do as a ‘Visual Identity’ Designer VS What I really do. So often people think a visual identity designer is only about creating your logo, colour palette, typography and brand assets. And although it is, it’s also about how all of these assets fit together and how they strategically work together. THAT is where the magic happens. When everything intertwines perfectly together - when it looks cohesive and is pulled together to create a visual personality. #logomaker #logodesign #brandidentity #branddesign
Pink Pony Creative
11 months ago
My brand illustrations when I started my business VS Now 🔥 Here’s the tea ☕️ Honestly, I’m not going to lie - there was the very odd occasion I did just image trace some vectors I stole from google (naughty naughty) but IF you are doing this, this is your sign to bring pen to paper and custom draw all of your brand assets. Not only does this create one-of-a-kind graphics and assets for your clients, but it allows YOU to stand out from other designers who only design from stock graphics or that cheeky (and legally incorrect) Google image grab. Customization for brand identity and visual identity work is key. This is what allows the brands you create to truly stand out in a sea of sameness 👌🙌 #brandidentity #visualidentity #logodesign #brandassets #logomaker #brandboard
Pink Pony Creative
11 months ago
Watch me turn our GIANT plastic horse into a 3D model on our website 🔥🦄 I recently relaunched my agency’s website @pinkponycreative and I just KNEW I had to do something special with Pedro, our giant plastic horse in our office. So here’s an overview of how I did it. With the help of two Dans. I got in touch with a 3D Modeller, Dan who modelled him and we bought Pedro the 3D Model to life! Dan also told me, “Now you have him 3D modelled, you can get him 3D printed” and I was like - whaaaat. So of course, I just had too. Anyway - once 3D Pedro was created, our website developer - whos funnily enough also called Dan imported him and made a parallax! Go check out our website! Website Developer: Dan from @thefoldnz 🔥 Please note; both Dans shown are not actually the real Dans. It’s surprising what AI can do. #websitedesign #websitedevelopment #officestory #funwebsite
Pink Pony Creative
11 months ago
Fonts to use instead of ‘Poppins’ 🔥👌 SAVE FOR LATER! Now, I swear I don’t have a vendetta towards Poppins. BUT I’m riding this wave since people think I do 🤣 I love Poppins, but man is it overused. So — use these bad boys for your next project instead! Try: General Sans (FontShare), DM Sans (Google Fonts), Urbanist (Google Fonts), Onest (Google Fonts), Coolvetica (Creative Market) 🙌 #fontinspo #fontinspiration #typeinspiration #typefaces #fontdesign
Pink Pony Creative
11 months ago

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