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I used to think these 2 were all bark/no bite, I guess bc we’re always trying to disengage with them (but who tf wouldn’t lol). A dog biting w/60 stitches worth of force has a bite history, no matter what the owner would say. As we’re likely seeing, these behaviors intensify over time w/o intervention. Surprisingly, the GSD owner blamed the attacked dog for getting bit. WOW. We literally are our dogs! At most, the attacked dog may be considered a nuisance for not immediately recalling, though it was a challenging and threatening circumstance so maybe not? It’s unfair to all, even the GSD’s! Acting feral while unsupervised in public is SUCH HIGH RISK BEHAVIOR, especially for a top dangerous breed. All our pack GSD’s are phenomenal and these two could be too with the right tools for success (like a fence, a trainer, a muzzle, a bark collar, a crate, etc. - endless room for growth). Well, let’s focus on what we can control! Tips for a bad dog encounter: - Any noise you make will likely be read as HIGH ENERGY.👎🏼 The dog will match it. Be quiet or sweet talk them w/praise. If you must, give one firm “HEY!👹” - If you have distance, either completely ignore them OR stare them down and try not to break eye contact first. Don’t try walking backwards to maintain eye contact bc if you trip, they will come. - Don’t run or they will chase you. Act casual do do doo - Leash your dogs if you think they’ll go towards the chaos. If they’re not pretty solid on recall training, they probably will. - Try to spot distractions before your dog; go into training mode so you already have their focus. I use a clicker for the whole pack and they’re all SO responsive to it! THEY KNOW they’ll only hear it if they’re getting praise and/or treat reward. If a dog is not listening well, I vibrate an ecollar at the few hardest moments to refocus them, then mark and reward the right behavior. Most pack members only need it for 2-3 hikes before they understand the rules. - If your dog is being attacked, YANK up on the attacking dog’s back leg and hold it upside down. #dogs #greatdane #servicedog #guarddog #germanshepherd
Duration: 22 sPosted : Thu, 11 Apr 2024 00:29:18Views
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